Bra incubation

I haven't updated this in awhile now! Sorry, Life's been busy ;)
Anyways, the egg is showing a lot of veining, and I can see the baby quail moving!
This project is going so well and I'm super impressed! It's so dark, captuing the egg with visablness is becoming to hard, so I may end of just posting pics of the baby if it hatches. Super impressed I haven't squished or dropped it yet- :eek:(I WONT JINX IT!!)
I haven't updated this in awhile now! Sorry, Life's been busy ;)
Anyways, the egg is showing a lot of veining, and I can see the baby quail moving!
This project is going so well and I'm super impressed! It's so dark, captuing the egg with visablness is becoming to hard, so I may end of just posting pics of the baby if it hatches. Super impressed I haven't squished or dropped it yet- :eek:(I WONT JINX IT!!)
How is the egg doing?

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