Breathing hard


Premium Feather Member
Jun 24, 2024
Northern NJ
Hello everone!!

I have a hen that has been breathing hard for a long time. She is really healthy, just a little overweight. How can I treat this? What would the dosage for Vetrx be? Could this be caused by worms, because I found this poop (pic bellow) earlier, not sure who it is from although.

How long? How old is she? What does her crop feel like? Why is she over weight? What do you feed her?
Maybe like 5 months? Almost 2. Crop always feels full, but it digests by the morning. She just loves to eat, they get cluck and co all flock, along with some greens, whole wheat bread scraps (probably why she is overwheight, i try to limit it) and fruits.

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