Breeding Cuckoo questions White Crested Cuckoo Polish x Blue?


6 Years
Jun 13, 2018
Gilbert, Arizona
Hi! I am a newbie to breeding and Cuckoo genetics.

I recently purchased a White Crested Cuckoo Polish Pullet that turned out to be a Roo, so thinking about breeding him.

Can anyone tell by looking at him if he is single or double barred?

I only have 1 White Crested Black hen to breed him too, but I have a selection of White Crested Blue Polish Pullets I could use.

If I crossed him on Blue, will the barring be diluted? Do I have a chance of getting cuckoo, black, blue or splash from this cross? Is it possible to get a splash cuckoo, and what in the world does that look like 🤷‍♀️🤣

Does anyone have any photos of this cross? I’d love to see pics
I can't say for certain if he is single or double factored. Breeding him will tell though.
Sometimes it's easy to tell but sometimes they look like they could go either way and imo that's the case with yours.
Yes cuckoo on blue will look diluted. It won't be the bold contrast as cuckoo. Blues can range in shade of blue from almost black to very light blue. The shade will effect the contrast.
Some blues hardly look barred especially girls or single factored males.
It all depends how many barring genes he has to what he will produce. If DFd all will be barred. If SFd some will be and some won't. All cuckoo male offspring will be SFd if cuckoo.
You can't get splash from black X blue so no.cuckoo splash. They are hard to tell if they are barred when you do get them. If you get any with the random feathers with bigger patches of color you can usually spot the barring otherwise it's not so easy.
Thank you. This is probably a dumb question, but would a darker blue pullet potentially produce darker blue coloring over light blue pullets?
Thank you. This is probably a dumb question, but would a darker blue pullet potentially produce darker blue coloring over light blue pullets?
That is a theory. And also breeding blue to black gets darker blues then breeding blues to splash or other blues.
Not what I've experienced to any extent but many swear by it.

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