Breezy bird farm reviews?

There are many places you can get BCM from, there is a person here in Ontario north of Toronto who has them and sells hatching eggs.

Not sure if your from ON or not but might be worth it to check her out, PM me if you like I can send her contact info.
I’m from BC so I prefer local but I’m definitely willing to ship the right eggs. I’ve been researching and trying to find a good BCM breeder near me for months and I haven’t had much luck.
I’ll PM you, I’d love to check this breeder out
Got your pm earlier and replied hope this person here can help you out.

I didn’t end up stopping at Breezy on my way home as I came through the US from Alberta to home.

I was just at Breezys site and now it seems all she is doing is shipping eggs. No live chicks and no chick or egg pick up at all. Have to say it seems to me she has too big a responsibility there offering so many birds for a one person operation to truly run effectively.
REVIEW: Not one egg in my order hatched-- made an order with Breezy Bird Farms and the eggs arrived in May (lavender ameracauna).. incubated the eggs, as I've successfully done incubation on shipped eggs before ..

I live in Saskatchewan and the company is in Manitoba, I had the eggs shipped in good weather, no cracks, and incubated within reasonable time.

-- not one hatch !! I candled the eggs and there were no signs of the eggs even being fertile or developing/developed.

I informed the owner, all she said were there were risks to shipped eggs that i should read about.. nothing more. The cost of the eggs reflected that they should have been fertile which I saw no signs of when candled , and the owner did nothing on their end to help the situation.

So the owner feels it's ok to do this to customers?


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What I wonder is if everyone is having such issues then why are you not posting this online where it can be seen by others? Surely if there are issues with all of you then there have to be others. Yet this is the only place I can see bad reports.

You can post a comment on Google easily - I have read the reviews there and traced them back to the persons writing them. Seem legit... most were positive. I plan on stopping there to pick up chicks on my way home in April so I shall post an update for everyone.
This is what I’m wondering too! I read a tonne of google reviews and all sounded fantastic. In the Manitoba chicken groups she comes highly recommended too. I’m very confused. I have 6 of her eggs in the incubator right now… my ordering and shipping experience were great and she replied politely and quickly to all my emails. Will update on how the incubation and hatch rate go.
This is what I’m wondering too! I read a tonne of google reviews and all sounded fantastic. In the Manitoba chicken groups she comes highly recommended too. I’m very confused. I have 6 of her eggs in the incubator right now… my ordering and shipping experience were great and she replied politely and quickly to all my emails. Will update on how the incubation and hatch rate go.
I never did pop in, I drove home through the US due to storms in the Prairies. Really regret it though as she had some breeds I can’t get here.
I never did pop in, I drove home through the US due to storms in the Prairies. Really regret it though as she had some breeds I can’t get here.
Yeah I am really excited for the breeds I’ve ordered from her. I have 6 in the incubator now, bielefelders.

And then my bigger order comes closer to spring, mosaics, legbars, marans and Swedish flower hens. But I’m nervous now after these reviews. Google reviews are great and I’ve heard good things in the Manitoba chicken groups mostly. Her packaging was great…
Yeah I am really excited for the breeds I’ve ordered from her. I have 6 in the incubator now, bielefelders.

And then my bigger order comes closer to spring, mosaics, legbars, marans and Swedish flower hens. But I’m nervous now after these reviews. Google reviews are great and I’ve heard good things in the Manitoba chicken groups mostly. Her packaging was great…
Did you know that Peavey Mart brings in chicks from Hoovers Hatchery?

Bielefelders, legbars, etc . Day old pullets.

Might be of some interest to you 😊

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