Broken/sprained leg/foot on Rhode Island Red hen...splint help


8 Years
Jul 25, 2011
Hey all-
I have been reading the posts on broken/sprained legs and got lots of great advice. My hen possibly broke or sprained her right leg/foot yesterday. I felt her legs and they seemed to be the same. If anything, to me her right foot seemed a little puffy in the middle. She just kind of lets the foot lay however with her toes under it at times, looks uncomfortable. But she can push with her leg from her joint (knee) up, but from knee down no pressure. But I don't know if that is b/c the bottom part is sprained or if it's her foot or even both.

I put her in a small cage enough for her turn around in and gave water and food. right now she is in my laundry room out of the heat and hopefully where she will get rested. She did not get too excited yesterday so it was easy to splint it. I used popsicle sticks on either side of the leg and then wrapped it snuggly. It just seems like I should put a stick under her foot to keep it straight..but I have not read anywhere that people do that..seems like it would be like a little boot for her, but possibly more comfortable? Not sure. Any suggestions?

Also, how often should I check and re-wrap the leg? How long should she be in her cage? I figured a couple of weeks to let it heal and then see how she is doing?
When my rooster broke his foot,(stepped on by a goat) I peeled a branch, smoothed off any stubs. I wrapped the leg in gauze to cushion it and taped it so that the stick poked out far enough to bear his weight. Then I put him back out with his girls. It did get infected, but I cut it open and squeezed out the pus, applied antibiotic ointment and rewrapped . He never missed a beat and those eggs have been fertile the whole time.Plus he quit being aggressive toward me. Bonus. I would rewrap it if it gets wet.
Thanks for your reply! So did the infection come from a cut form when the goat stepped on it, or was it an internal infection you had to cut to give relief? I only did the sticks the length of her leg. you think I should have a little sticking out the bottom on either side for more support? I can tell she wants to go outside again, but I just don't want to rush the healing process. Maybe I will take her for a visit later today after work.

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