broody hen?

Thanks. This is certainly a learning curve. Now I have another broody hen and I have no idea how im going to manage things from here on in.

on a lighter side, I now have 4 babies. She has now left the nest and 4 little chickies chasing after her. The last egg is stone cold and shows no sign of life, but I have left it in the nest for now, just in case

Oh, I love to see the babies with the momma's... sad day, I told DH last night our java was getting ready to kick the chicks to the curb, saw the roo covering her yesterday and sure enough, she has been in and out of the coop today, hasn't had the chicks with her at all, they have kinda hung out with the other broody momma.. The Java will like wake up and run to find the chicks but then peck at them to get them away from her and then try and scratch and find food and then peck when they try and grab it......she is so funny, confused but funny
Small update,

I made a makeshift broody pen from an old beach wind break, it was ok, but I wanted something a little more suitable, so after picking up a few bits I recycled a few bits and im reasonably happy with it...for now...






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