buckaroo built chicken coupe

If you're concerned about the birds getting too cold inside with all that extra space, you can try stuffing lots of straw in there as long as it's not near a hot light bulb or heat source.

I don't know now cold it gets there, but here in Chicago a guy several blocks from me kept his chickens in an old playhouse that had a very high, peaked roof. He stuffed the thing full of straw and said the chickens did fine all winter. When it got really cold, he said they would burrow into the straw and stay warm that way.

Our winter daytime temps are typically in the 20-35 F range, with the occasional really cold run of 15 F for a few days in a row. Night time temps are usually around 15 F, or during those really cold spells into the single digits. Seems like you get a lot of snow there, which is a great insulator, too.

Greg, it sounds like you really like that coop and the peace of mind it would give you to just have the chicken housing completed before it gets really cold. I say go for it!
You ought to see her site then. Be sure to adjust your speakers if you are at work. chirp, chirp, chirp. Ribbit...

Work what is that?? LOL

No, I stay at home with my kid's. My last just started Kindergarten, now I guess I really have to start hitting the books for my classes I am taking.

Let us know if the Buckaroo Coop found it's way to your place!!!
I am so stinking ticked.

I called the guy this afternoon and spoke with him, confirming that I was getting into the car and driving up. He acknowledged that, told me what exit to take from I5, then call him. I called - got his phone mail. Drove around for 30 minutes, a few more calls, phone mail each time.

Then I head for the Grange Co-op and Lowes, 90 minutes later he calls. Says he was moving furniture up to his shop and because his phone is so large, decided to leave it in his truck. Thus he didn't hear it ring.

I told him I'd be out of Lowes in 30 minutes and head back to Ashland. We agreed to meet at that time. I called when I returned to his designated exit, nothing.

Freaking creep. It's over an hour drive each way to get up there and the last thing I needed was to have my time wasted.
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Hey, hey, hey...

You live in one of the most spiritually enlightened communities, near one of the strongest vortexes of the country; I didn't think it was possible for people to get ticked there!!

Sorry about your frustration; I know you are really disappointed.
Well, after all the drama and frustration, I finally learned today that the inside dimensions of the house part of this beast is 4x8. All that building and it's 32 s.f. of floor space.

Well, I finally got to see it. Holy freaking crap. And I mean CRAP!

We had to go to Ashland this afternoon and this time I knew where to go find it.

For the amount of energy I put into trying to go see this, thinking about, getting upset when he pulled the no-show, raising he** the next day when he finally called me - this sucker was WAY not worth the effort.

For starters, it's really quite small. Inside, as mentioned previously, it is fairly small in terms of floor space. And when I stepped in, I was worried that the floor was going to collapse. But the worst part is that the construction is astonishing. Gaps between the slats that form the walls would make creating a draft-free environment terribly difficult. Some were an inch or so. And the roof needs to be totally re-done.

Good grief - this one can be filed away for keeps...

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