*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Thanks ya'll. I've decided to purchase a Cozy Legs 100 watt flat panel heater to install in my coop. Energy efficient and won't burn my birds if they touch it. That and the fluorescent tube light on the ceiling of the coop, on a timer, should do the trick, and get them thru the negative temps for the next couple of months. I'm also purchasing a canvas tarp to drape over one side, to block the wind. I'm optimistic.

Great idea. I put up tarps on my run for the first time this Winter and am amazed at how well it helps. Good luck with everything!

Eggness decided to nap under our wood stove. This little girl has officially stopped growing haha a whopping 2.5 pounds. I don't know how this happened haha
My black Orp with her new baby, was a surprise to everyone. She would appear once or twice a day for food or water then I could never find her. Anyway on the weekend I found her digging for bugs with her new friend!. Very cute, hoping it's a hen. Extra wing tips which I've heard could be a good sign for a hen. Any suggestions about the wings?
good morning all :) i posted a month or so back asking about my buff chick and at the time most seemed to be leaning towards roo. im posting a few more pics at 12 weeks cuz im still not sure hahha :p let me know your thoughts! i tried my best to get clear pics but with an iphone and chickens WHO WONT STAY STILL it was an interesting adventure :p

this one shows the colors better tho the head is blurry

this is the best shot i could get

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