*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Your chicks have redder combs than my 9 wo pullets do. Could they all be cockerels? I am new to chickens so I only know my 4 BOs. I need to find homes for my 2 BO cockerels unfortunately. They are from a breeder in CA but I am located in RI. Anyone in New England looking for new breeding stock? They are ridiculously friendly and very handsome. I really don't want them to end up in the freezer!

Here are my girls. Same age as yours but no red
I hate to say this, but I am pretty sure those are all boys. Also, feather sexing only works when they are a couple days old. Just to be safe, I say you should hang on to them until one either crows or lays an egg. Then you will know for sure.
I wasn't sure if the wing feathers should be pointy or rounded, I was really in hopes for hens :)
This being a Buff Orpington Thread, I figured this is the perfect place to pipe in about how impressed I am with this breed. My hens are all 19wks old and out of the 3 breeds in the flock, one of my Buffies laid her first egg yesterday!!

We heard some unusually loud chatter coming from the barn and when we went in to check it out, we found a Buffy in a nest box sitting on her first tiny egg. The other hens were gathered around staring at her. I've heard of hens dropping their first egg while roosting, others in corners of the coop/run, ect., so we have been prepared for an egg hunt. Being new to chickens, I was very impressed at how smart this girl was to go into the nest box to lay her first egg! We are over the moon excited and cannot wait for the next one!
This being a Buff Orpington Thread, I figured this is the perfect place to pipe in about how impressed I am with this breed. My hens are all 19wks old and out of the 3 breeds in the flock, one of my Buffies laid her first egg yesterday!!

We heard some unusually loud chatter coming from the barn and when we went in to check it out, we found a Buffy in a nest box sitting on her first tiny egg. The other hens were gathered around staring at her. I've heard of hens dropping their first egg while roosting, others in corners of the coop/run, ect., so we have been prepared for an egg hunt. Being new to chickens, I was very impressed at how smart this girl was to go into the nest box to lay her first egg! We are over the moon excited and cannot wait for the next one!

Congratulations! She showed everyone else how it is done.
My buff has had speckleing on her tail feathers since she was about 2 months old but it seems to be spreading - I have read that it's normal for them to have this type of almost mildew patterning on their feathers tho not desirable for show birds which need to be all buff- I also know feather mites can cause this and I haven't seen any and she isn't itching or plucking. Is this just a natural variation or is there something else that could be going on. Thanks for any help


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