*Buff Orpington Thread!*

My buff has had speckleing on her tail feathers since she was about 2 months old but it seems to be spreading - I have read that it's normal for them to have this type of almost mildew patterning on their feathers tho not desirable for show birds which need to be all buff- I also know feather mites can cause this and I haven't seen any and she isn't itching or plucking. Is this just a natural variation or is there something else that could be going on. Thanks for any help

Your girls are fine.
That coloration is referred to as "smut" and while it is not the breed standard a lot of Buffs from hatcheries have it. Two of mine have it and I was hoping that they would lose some of it after their first molt but it is still there.
My kids are 8 weeks old and ready for their new home at my mom's :D She has 12-4 week olds that these will eventually be in with, excited but definitely going to miss these babies :(

All loaded up-

My girl Ariel-

And the baby roo Bas-
He's so cute getting all manly LOL! The tail feathers that curve over are coming in :D I hope he's a good a roo as his daddy!
Both of the babies are really pretty! I don't know what I expected I guess hehe! Like straggly, half-feathered homely little things I guess? Lol! Anyway it's been fun to watch them grow so far :)

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