*Buff Orpington Thread!*

I have two BO chicks that are a week and a half old and am wondering if you can tell sex at this age yet? One had longer wing feathers and is getting tail feathers, could that one be a male? I can't get good pics, the mamas are good at their jobs LOL
Here are my two babies and mamas :D Last night the mamas flew out of the pen and wouldn't go back in :/ So we had to take the side off and now everyone is together :)

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Ok, thanks for the advice. I'm putting them into separate pens so they can get used to eachother first :) @BayBay Peepers
Thanks! It's been a learning experience for sure! Yikes! But I've learned a lot so that's good, sometimes the only way to learn is by doing. These two are the only ones to hatch and live (had a mama that killed one of hers because she was around these two chicks and bonded with them :( I feel terrible about that, but now I know. And then we have one more egg that I pulled from her after ahe killed the one, my friend put it in her incubator, he's due to hatch anytime, IF he hatches? Might have gotten to cold. So anyway, yep two out of 10 eggs hatched and lived, not great odds :/ But these two are super cute and fun to watch :D @lizardandchicks
Do the other hens pick on them? Or do they just have 2 mommas? @MesMama

Just the two mamas :) And I was surprised that the other hens don't bother the chicks, but their pen was inside the coop and so they've all been able to get used to each other for almost two weeks now :)

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