*Buff Orpington Thread!*

We got our first double yolk :D One of the adult girls laid it, pretty cool! I've had chickens for a little over a year and this is a first, I was excited! Lol! My husband kinda gave me that look like "I think I'm married to a crazy person." Hehe!
Mine do as well, I think I read it's a hatchery stock "trait"

I have 2 Buff Orpington hens that are as far from hatchery stock as you can imagine. They both have a mild amount of speckling in their tail feathers. I think the breed standard allows for it in hens.
I have 2 Buff Orpington hens that are as far from hatchery stock as you can imagine.  They both have a mild amount of speckling in their tail feathers.  I think the breed standard allows for it in hens.

Interesting! That's actually good to know ;)
Thats fantastic! I can't wait for our first egg, though with the shorter days coming, I don't think we will get one over the winter.
You might be surprised!

I got mine as day olds mid-July last year. One of my Barred Rocks laid the very first egg on Christmas Day no less! She was 23wks old. I believe Betty June one of my BO's was the next one to lay at 25wks.
Aw poor Gloria! I hope her tail heals up fast. My buffs are 9 weeks old now and definitely love human attention. How did you give her egg? Scrambled or boiled? Mine took a few minutes to decide to try it but then they went crazy. I also got them these "hentastic" oregano and mealworm treats at the feed store. Cheaper than full mealworms and they go nuts for them. Smaller too which is easier for them.
@kekstrom @Mosey2003 @GardenNut

here's an update for you. My girls are now 22 weeks old, not laying yet, and I heard crowing yesterday morning and today, so I'm guessing the bossy one with comb and wattles is a roo. Here's a photo. Those are pointed saddle feathers too, aren't they? That was pointed out to me by another member here.

If she is a Roo, I have another challenge - he is together with one buff orpington pullet, and one cochin pullet. That ratio of males to females is not very fair on the females, is it? I guess I'm going to extend my flock, but my coop will only fit 2 more birds. (They go out free ranging all day) Would adding 2 more females actually help even things up? If I add 2 extra pullets my little flock would be 4 hens and 1 rooster.
@kekstrom @Mosey2003 @GardenNut here's an update for you. My girls are now 22 weeks old, not laying yet, and I heard crowing yesterday morning and today, so I'm guessing the bossy one with comb and wattles is a roo. Here's a photo. Those are pointed saddle feathers too, aren't they? That was pointed out to me by another member here. If she is a Roo, I have another challenge - he is together with one buff orpington pullet, and one cochin pullet. That ratio of males to females is not very fair on the females, is it? I guess I'm going to extend my flock, but my coop will only fit 2 more birds. (They go out free ranging all day) Would adding 2 more females actually help even things up? If I add 2 extra pullets my little flock would be 4 hens and 1 rooster.
It really depends on how randy your rooster is but that ratio should be fine especially with you free ranging during the day. I'd say 3 more would be better if you could though..
My little girl goldilocks

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