*Buff Orpington Thread!*

One of my Buff Orpington hens with an early brood. The cock is a mixed and very game black rooster. Camilla has 15 chicks in early March.
Awww that's adorable, thanks for sharing
That is a beautiful rooster, and you are lucky to have such a protective guy, he sounds like one that will live out his days on the farm!

Wow, so I am pretty sure, that out of my 11 Buff Orpington chicks that I hatched five weeks ago, only three are roosters! Is that awesome, or what? I have three more hens than I really need, because my customer ordered 12 hens and I have 15, so I'll sell pairs of Buff Orpingtons, it might be easier to sell the roosters if they have a hen accompanying them.
He'll probably retire to a life as a house rooster lol. He spent all evening laying on my lap under a blanket. He acted like he had found his rightful place in life.
He'll probably retire to a life as a house rooster lol. He spent all evening laying on my lap under a blanket. He acted like he had found his rightful place in life.
LOL I can see where it may be tempting to keep him inside

The boys do seem to like extra attention. My doesn't seem to mind being cuddled a bit and fussed over, but when one of the hens chirps or calls he's ready to get back to his job

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