Building A Churkey(Turkey Imposter)

Do you like the idea? Do you like Turkey, or Love Turkey?

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@U_Stormcrow, do you like the idea?

Like @NatJ, its not really my thing. I'd like a meatier bird than my current layers, yes, but its as important to me that they free range effectively, and gain color and patterns suitable for my soils. SO I'm culling my way in that general direction. and I'm willing to give up some frequency of lay (but not earliness of lay) to achieve those goals. I don't understand chciken genetics enough that I can claim any deliberateness in breed program.

Also, I like success. It keeps me motivated. So I set my sights quite low, and began with creatures close to what I wanted. Once I meet my first goals, I can focus on incremental improvements. So as to continue with successes. By seeking a big meaty chicken with big big eggs, you are asking too much of the end result. As a matter of human nature, I worry that you may become discouraged by long waits and lack of clear progress.

Also, I like turkey. In season, could always take a wild one from my back yard. (As an aside, wild turkeys are nothing like the size of the ones that come in plastic wrap - at least, mine aren't).

All that said, the fact that I would not choose to embark on the project should not dissuade you. I also won't sky dive, hang glide, rappel, rock climb, or look out the window f a 3rd story building. But plenty of people enjoy those things. Don't judge yourself by the opinions of others.
Like @NatJ, its not really my thing. I'd like a meatier bird than my current layers, yes, but its as important to me that they free range effectively, and gain color and patterns suitable for my soils. SO I'm culling my way in that general direction. and I'm willing to give up some frequency of lay (but not earliness of lay) to achieve those goals. I don't understand chciken genetics enough that I can claim any deliberateness in breed program.

Also, I like success. It keeps me motivated. So I set my sights quite low, and began with creatures close to what I wanted. Once I meet my first goals, I can focus on incremental improvements. So as to continue with successes. By seeking a big meaty chicken with big big eggs, you are asking too much of the end result. As a matter of human nature, I worry that you may become discouraged by long waits and lack of clear progress.

Also, I like turkey. In season, could always take a wild one from my back yard. (As an aside, wild turkeys are nothing like the size of the ones that come in plastic wrap - at least, mine aren't).

All that said, the fact that I would not choose to embark on the project should not dissuade you. I also won't sky dive, hang glide, rappel, rock climb, or look out the window f a 3rd story building. But plenty of people enjoy those things. Don't judge yourself by the opinions of others.
Well with the Malay being in the bloodline, it'll help with making it a very good active/alert forager, suitable for free range environments. It's not just for the large size.

I don't want it to be so large that it can't move around at a certain point of it's life, like that of the Cornish X.

I believe a bird like this would be practical, & may replace the Broiler at some point.
Well with the Malay being in the bloodline, it'll help with making it a very good active/alert forager, suitable for free range environments. It's not just for the large size.

I don't want it to be so large that it can't move around at a certain point of it's life, like that of the Cornish X.

I believe a bird like this would be practical, & may replace the Broiler at some point.

The Malay is not a bird I'm personally familiar with. My impression was that they were slow to mature, and very tall, but that a narrow chest resulted in them being solidly middle weight birds. Also that they didn't lay frequently, and only medium eggs. That they were a jungle performing, heat tolerant, heritage breed - and possibly one of the birds involved in the creation of the Brahma, a long long time ago. That's the extent of my "knowledge", none of it first hand.

The Malay is not a bird I'm personally familiar with. My impression was that they were slow to mature, and very tall, but that a narrow chest resulted in them being solidly middle weight birds. Also that they didn't lay frequently, and only medium eggs. That they were a jungle performing, heat tolerant, heritage breed - and possibly one of the birds involved in the creation of the Brahma, a long long time ago. That's the extent of my "knowledge", none of it first hand.

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Mine are growing at a pretty normal rate. Hens aren't great layers, but lay large to extra large eggs.

They take about 2-3 years to reach full height, & are heavy weights. Roosters can get upto 15lbs, & hens 12lbs.(Mature Birds)

Uses: Ornamental, Meat, & Eggs. They were once used for fighting, but were also used in the creation of the Brahma.

Other Names: Chittagong.

My biggest cockerel is already 7-8lbs, at 14 weeks, so that's pretty great.

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