Building my first coop! - progress thread

Here are the windows with the HC up and the strips painted. Looks SO much better now that you can’t see the OSB edges inside the frame! Nice clean look, like a real window frame :D

A couple of windy rain storms and the inside of my coop is drenched :hit I'm gonna hope it's because there's no door yet, and the rain blew in from that giant gaping hole... and not because my vents are too big and the overhangs too small...
A couple of windy rain storms and the inside of my coop is drenched :hit I'm gonna hope it's because there's no door yet, and the rain blew in from that giant gaping hole... and not because my vents are too big and the overhangs too small...

I agree its because there is no door yet . You have pretty good over hangs , they should help keep any water from blowing in up high . Once the door is up you'll know for sure .
I'm trying to figure out where to put things inside, and I have a dilemma... I have more room on the far side of the coop, including a corner where I can put the roost(s). On the other side, the human door is in the way. But the far side is also where the pop door is. If I put the main roost across from the pop door, but way above it, like 4 feet up, with another branch or something for the chickens to get up there, will they be okay in the winter? I want to be able to keep the pop door open year round. If it's down at floor level, it won't be blowing directly on the chickens. Also, the run will have a permanent roof immediately outside the pop door and for another 8 feet out, plus in the winter I will also cover the run walls with plastic, so there will be no rain/snow blowing in and no wind in the winter because of the plastic.

Here's what I'm thinking for the roost setup... you can see the pop door on the bottom right. What do you guys think?

There’s some room between the roost and the wall, it’s not as close as it looks in that picture:
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The other option would be to put the roost on the side of the human door, at an angle so it’s not in my way as I walk in. There’s less room overall there, less room to put more branches for the chickens to get up and down... but it’s farther from the pop door...


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