Built a large enclosure...Do I need a "coop"


In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2024
Highlands, NC
First time chicken owner. In the mountains and had to build something sturdy with electric (for the bears).

So far, the birds are good. We have 3 hens. Two buff orpington and one black sexlink. They'll being laying eggs in November I think based on their age.

THE QUESTION: I purchased a 5-6 bird sized coop and placed it inside the enclosure. For a couple months they roosted inside that every night without issue.

Now, all three of them fly up to the support rafter/beam things (whatever you call them). These beams are freaking 7 feet above the ground, but they all three sit up there on them all night and no longer use the coop.

So what should I do? Just take the coop out and make some nesting areas for the eggs? What's the point of the coop if they're just gonna roost high every night?

Thanks for any advice! Below are two pics that will show the details.


If you feel they are safe inside the run without the coop, there's no need to force them to sleep inside it.

What are your winters like?

Hey thanks! Our winters are cold. I'm mean, not Montana cold. But our average winter low for January is 24 degrees. But it can drop lower than that for sure. Just not the norm.

Should I (like the other post mentioned) leave it in there for the occasional cold? And with that, I guess I'm wondering where they're gonna lay their eggs. If they feel safe roosting high do they want a high nest area too?

Totally new to chickens. Thank you!
I'm wondering where they're gonna lay their eggs. If they feel safe roosting high do they want a high nest area too?
No. You place the nest boxes where they're convenient for your access. And they should always be below roosting height.

I would just ensure that your enclosure is completely predator-proof and just let them roost where they want. If you get very cold winters all you need to do is wrap the sides with a clear reinforced tarp leaving the top several inches open for ventilation and they'll have winter protection.
There's nothing wrong with leaving the coop in there. You could also use that for the nest boxes.
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No. You place the nest boxes where they're convenient for your access. And they should always be below roosting height.

I would just ensure that your enclosure is completely predator-proof and just let them roost where they want. If you get very cold Winters all you need to do is wrap the sides with a clear reinforced tarp leaving the top several inches open for ventilation and they'll have winter protection.
There's nothing wrong with leaving the coop in there. You could also use that for the nest boxes.

Copy that, thank you!
Do you have better use for the coop? If not, I would leave it inside if I were you - to shelter them against weather elements (cold/windy days etc), and some place to hide if any predator approaches.

P.S. nice setup ... for just 3 chickens.

Thanks! Got sort of carried away on the build. Hahaha. But it's kept the foxes, bob cats, black bears, coyote and raccoons out.
My chickens insist on sleeping on TOP of their coop instead of of inside it. I've tried repeatedly to break this habit but they have fought me over it.... with sometimes hilarious results.... until I gave up and let them have their way. It's quite warm overall where I live, and even on chilly winter nights they have been fine. I just hate having to clean the roof of the coop every morning.

ETA: my coop is also inside a locked run, like yours.
It looks like your enclosure is chicken wire? But it's electrified, right? I would let them sleep out. I was just talking about those nestera coops on another thread with someone who loves theirs. They said the ventilation is adjustable. You might want to make sure it's open for maximum ventilation because a lot of times that's why chickens won't sleep in their coop. Every time I have put a coop in an enclosure the chickens have chose to poop on it rather than sleep in it. And the raccoons have noticed lol.

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