bulge on breast - golden laced wyandotte


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2016
Hello everyone, one of my golden laced wyandotte has a bulge on her breast (possibly a tumor??). She is 11 weeks old. Is there anything I can do for her? Wait it out and hopefully it absorbs? It currently doesn't seem to bother her at all. Any suggestions would be very helpful.

Is it on the right side of her chest? It could be a full crop, in that case.


I'm thinking it could be sour crop? How do I remedy that? The overhanging feathers is the area in question.
Does her breath smell foul? That can be a sign of sour crop. My feeling, though, is that if she's eating and drinking and acting otherwise normal, she's probably just experiencing normal full crop.
Another thing you can do check in the morning and see her crop has gone down, as is standard.

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Is it squishy? Is she acting sick? What other symptoms? Compare to another chicken?

I keep thinking crop too, I am always amazed at how BIG those crops can get. What I learned was to check them in the morning, right at waking, if empty, then likely it is not a crop problem...that would be my first step...leave it over night and check first thing...
Thank you everyone. I will update tomorrow and let you know if the crop size lessoned. I still can't believe how big it got.
Please update tomorrow morning. If you suspect it could be something else you can post at "emergencies, diseases,injuries, cures," thread

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