Bumble foot? Healed? Help?


In the Brooder
Sep 14, 2024
Hi yall! I had to take my girl Nugget to the vet for a blueing comb. While there, the vet said she had bumble foot. Sure fire sign of the ‘scab’ on her foot, also, sure enough, the rest of my flock has the scabs (we are switching to sand on the flooring tomorrow). So, I followed an article I read on here of removal/care. When I got the scab off, there was no infection or kernel. Do yall think this is/was bumble foot? I have antibiotic cream and prid wrapped onto the wounds. Pics of the feet that I can’t tell on below


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It is mild bumblefoot. I probably would not have treated that, but now that you have, I would work on healing. It is good that there was no pus plug inside, so it is mild. Keep it covered with plain Neosporin ointment, a folded 2x2 dressing and vet wrap. Change it every 1-2 days. Other treatment options are using sugar mixed with a couple of drops of Betadine (called sugardine by some,) and apply a dressing. Change daily. Prid drawing salve with a dressing is another treatment used by many. When I see bumblefoot on a chicken, if they are not limping or unless it is very swollen and red, I watch it. Soaking feet daily is a first line of treatment. Then one of the treatments above can be used. Here are some videos of the classic foot:


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