Button Quail Hatch-a-long, 3 batches

Alrighty, here we go again.

11 is out!
15 is zipping
W and one other one is pipping.

I'm so surprised, because it's not quite day 16 for them yet. Not for another 9.5 hours.
They didn't read that book on when they were suppose to hatch! Nothing is set in stone when it comes to hatching eggs in an incubator.
16 have hatched so far! (not including the 9 from the other night.) I looked for the one that was rolling around, and I can't find it. It must be all right after all.

So many are ending up with splay leg. I used shelf liner during lock down as recommended, but they are still slipping on it. 😢 About half are walking around ok and the others are 'swimming' on their bellies like frogs.
I found some more grippy shelf liner I didn't know I had and took a chance and opened the incubator to replace it. Maybe I compromised the remaining eggs, but the chicks are walking much better already.

I did the same in the brooder and replaced the paper towels, which they were also kinda slipping on. Hopefully I acted soon enough.
I found some more grippy shelf liner I didn't know I had and took a chance and opened the incubator to replace it. Maybe I compromised the remaining eggs, but the chicks are walking much better already.

I did the same in the brooder and replaced the paper towels, which they were also kinda slipping on. Hopefully I acted soon enough.
Opening the incubator for a few seconds isn't going to hurt the eggs. You can spray some warm water around the incubator (not on the eggs) as well to bring the humidity back up quickly.
They should still be fine. I usually spray water around if I have to open the incubator during lockdown so the humidity recovers really fast.
The humidity did recover really fast. I'm ok with what's hatched. I have 27 chicks, plus the 8, now adults, I started with. But I'll give the remaining eggs a couple more days.


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