Button Quail Hatch-a-long, 3 batches

Ok, I've been observing that little scrawny one, and I've decided it's the one that was having trouble standing and it was rolling around. I can still see it's umbilical cord, though it's much more dried up. It's still wobbly, but when it stands, it stands tall. It's very alert and active. Looks like it'll be alright, it's just so skinny compared to the others.

I see another one pipping!
I'm trying again! I know y'all told me to wait, but batch number 1 are eggs from my young hens. There's 15 of them labeled A-O. I just put them in my Little Giant.

Batches two and three (one dozen each) are due to arrive on Monday, so they'll go in the incubator on Tues.

Suggestions for three different themes, one for each batch?
1. The same letter group names
2. Candy/Junk Food
3. Bird puns (Princess lay-a, etc.)

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