BYC Café

Also, my friend got a clam fishy smell in her car when turning the ac on, found out mice lived in her engine compartment and the smell was them dead from getting chopped.

(gross stories i know, thought id share though :confused:)
Dead mice smell like mice, not fish<scratcheshead>

Had some mice nest in a snowmobile air intake one summer...
....took all winter for the stench to go away.
i ended up finding the mice half eaten
my friend got a clam fishy smell in her car when turning the ac on
BTDT too!
Both last year.
I pulled 3 desiccated mouse corpses and about 1 cubic foot of pink fiberglass insulation stuffed into about 1/2 cubic foot of air filter compartment in DHs old truck.
Definitely smelled like dead mouse. 🤢

BTDT too!
Both last year.
I pulled 3 desiccated mouse corpses and about 1 cubic foot of pink fiberglass insulation stuffed into about 1/2 cubic foot of air filter compartment in DHs old truck.
Definitely smelled like dead mouse. 🤢
it’s scary how common this is! Not looking forward to finding that in mine. :th

hers must have been in there for a while then, or the smell of mice didnt come to mind when she smelled it, not sure. sure is gross either way
After 2 days of snow, I have a couple days to get it all cleared before it melts into flood waters during Wednesday's rainy 48°.
Wonders how the frozen slush under 6+" of snow will go thru the thrower? :fl :fl :fl
It won't go through the thrower, betting you need to shovel it. Sorry.
It won't go through the thrower, betting you need to shovel it. Sorry.
It was frozen, some came up just fine, some is still down.

Clearing the driveway was pretty easy,
except having to reinstall a tire chain, twice. SMH.
Still quite a bit of snow/slush/ice pack down,
should become a slick mess when the thaw comes.
I put some ashes on part of our driveway today. The ice is bumpy, but still slippery, even when I have my cleats on.

If it breaks up at all on Wednesday (when we're supposed to get into the 40s) I may go out and try to shovel some out of there.

Every since I slipped, fell, and broke my wrist 8 years ago, I get a gut clench when I slip. Do not want to go through rehabbing a broken bone again.
Yay!!! Was it already properly seasoned or will you have to do it?
It needs a re-seasoning I think. There is something about cooking in such heavy weight cast iron pans that can't be reproduced in the modern non still pans that seem to be what one can buy most easily.
It does weigh a ton though. I made a lovely heavy on the garlic tomato sauce in it a couple of days ago. Even with the so so tomatoes I can get here it tasted lovely.

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