BYC Café

Good morning Cafe. Nice hot pot of coffee is up on deck.

It's 3F outside. The boys are crowing their heads off so I best be heading on out. This morning's fermented mash has electrolytes in it and a tin of sardines chopped up in it. They've been eating like pigs lately.
I've never had a mouse trap escape. :gig I've had bait stolen (half a peanut), but not after I started gluing it down with peanut butter and really smashing it into the bait spot.

I'm going out with some ashes a little later. See if I can make the really slippery spots less so. DH got out with no trouble, but his Jeep is at least 1000 pounds heavier than my car, I bet. If I didn't have AWD, I wouldn't even consider it.

Yeah, I hate winter driving that much.
There was bright frozen blood on the south roost with a big frozen splatter on the poop board. I couldn't find anyone in distress. I just can't remember who was in that spot last night but I know I put one of the nest box lurkers there. I'll have to go take a closer look at combs when I go back out to clean when it warms up a bit.
I also had a collapsed roost in the run that I'll have to strap back in place. And add support strapping to the ends of the rest of the branch roosts in there too. That must have shook them up a bit when their roost collapsed out from under them.
happy ballantine's day.
This makes **much** more sense to me.....and I rarely drink at all, tho I could go for a glass of this, especially if I got to share it with Eric!


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