BYC Café

Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

I candled Savannah's eggs last night. Geez. Only 1/2 of them have wigglers. Looks like there is a rooster shortage around the corner. Only three chicks coming. Having my luck, they'll all be boys.

I had to leave work early yesterday because of the pain. I wasn't thinking and dressed "engineerly". That included a pair of boot with about a 1.5" heel. Stick to flats until this issue is under control, one way or another.

I see the PA of the new doctor today. I hope I can at least leave there with another trigger point injection while I, again, await authorization for the nerve block injection.

HTG showed up last night. I had texted him about some fire wood and kept politely refusing his offer to stack it. I told him that I had people who could do that. (I really just didn't want to be in close proximity to him for fear things would spark again because I don't want that).

I haven't seen him since Christmas eve. His divorce is taking a toll on him. He's lost a lot of weight. Still ripped but I was a bit surprised at how gaunt his face looked. He also told me that the 30'x40' barn in which he stored two parts trucks, a big work truck and other items caught fire and was totally destroyed.

His friend was in there welding and HTG was outside burning brush. So when the barn caught fire from the welding, the friend didn't know that the smell of burning wood was coming from the barn and not the brush burning. His barn was not insured so it's a really hard loss.

To make matters worse, the fire department had a big machine that they used to pull the charred and steaming/smoldering timbers out of the wreckage and throw the pieces around the saturated lawn to keep the fire from re-starting. Now he can't even mow because of the mess. I can't imagine the stress that whole ordeal has caused him.
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Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

I've resorted to watering what needs it after dark. C came home at 9:30 last night. I saw him driving up the driveway into the garage when I was at the opposite end of the house with a watering can. Everyone who is family enters my house from the back door. He came back out the back door and called my name and started walking toward the front of the house where I had the hose watering the grass I recently planted there.

I get major points for NOT doing what I wanted to do. Hit him with the hose as soon as he was in range just to scare the snot out of him because I knew he hadn't seen me when he came home! I could have. I never ever get credit for the shenanigans I DON'T commit, just grief over the ones I do. It's just not fair.

Good luck with the new doctor.:fl
The PA was excellent. The doctor won't be back in the office until July but it will take that long to get the paperwork and supporting documentation together to submit. I asked for them to expedite it and told the PA and the woman in charge of the authorization requests what had happened to me at the first doctors office so they understand my concerns. Only time will tell if they do right by me. But I feel good about this place.
I get major points for NOT doing what I wanted to do. Hit him with the hose as soon as he was in range just to scare the snot out of him because I knew he hadn't seen me when he came home! I could have. I never ever get credit for the shenanigans I DON'T commit, just grief over the ones I do. It's just not fair.
:lau :lau

You get credit for making me laugh, how's that?
Hello everyone in the Café I just found this thread, even though it is a pretty old one!

My name is May! I am a victim to chicken math, which will end up being more types of poultry math. I won't say I am a survivor, but I am trying to be a fighter. (It isn't working very well.)

My adult chickens are 1 rooster and 9 hens. I have 8 of their daughters in the coop, they are 14 weeks old. I also have 2 BO cockerels and 2 BO pullets, all 14 weeks old. There are also 2 Golden Sexlink pullets, same age. I have 4 cockerels, the sons of my chickens, same age. They are not in the coop, they are in a makeshift chicken tractor made from a large kennel. I also have 17 more of their kids who are 11 weeks old. I am hopefully going to be selling 5 of those to family/friends here soon. The 17 are in another makeshift tractor out of one of those large puppy fences that people let litters of puppies play in outside.

My husband and I are working on closing in a 110ft×80ft area for my growing flock. It is going slow, but it is coming along! I have learned one thing, I should wear sunscreen down here in Texas! I burn like a vampire. 😅

I also have the cutest little Black Tri Color Australian Shepherd named Ranger who has the prettiest blue eyes. He will be 6 months on the 29th.

I hope everyone is having an amazing day!

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