BYC members in Massachusetts?

I spoke with the leader. She is going to talk to the kids about it at the meeting on Friday. We were thinking that maybe they could have it in conjunction with another activity for the first swap to make sure she gets enough of a turn out to make it worth it for the kids? How many people usually show up for the swaps?

Is there anything going on on June 22? They have that date available, or they could do early July. After that they will be getting ready for the fairs and such, and are pretty booked up.
I spoke with the leader. She is going to talk to the kids about it at the meeting on Friday. We were thinking that maybe they could have it in conjunction with another activity for the first swap to make sure she gets enough of a turn out to make it worth it for the kids? How many people usually show up for the swaps?

Is there anything going on on June 22? They have that date available, or they could do early July. After that they will be getting ready for the fairs and such, and are pretty booked up.
I need to look at the calendar-- if I"m free, I'm there!!!

Westboro's last event is Jun2, so the 22nd should be fine as i'ts 3 weeks later if my math is right!
Westford is june 2, the new england bantam club sent me an email asking me about the tynsgboro swap, that one I thinj is not going to go on, the owner is not getting back to me, buy if you can get a set date for the one with the 4 h club I can see if they will put that one in there news letter, june 22 sounds good to me
Great news, tyngboro swap is ON for june 16, lets make this a great swap :), it will be in the new england bantam club news letter for june so word will go out to alot of chicken peeps :)
Perhaps if we can make this one a sucess we can have another one--not that I'm counting my chickens, but if we could really pull together to make this one a real sucess.
Perhaps if we can make this one a sucess we can have another one--not that I'm counting my chickens, but if we could really pull together to make this one a real sucess.

Yes if we can get this one good she is definitly up for doing more, we need to get the venders to come

Oh and free set up, no fee
HAahaa, you squeezed in your post just ahead of me-- I was referring to the new Swap NoisyCricket is helping to pull together, but now I will apply it to BOTH.

I hope we can reach more buyers by having a location a little distant from the others, and try to cover the area a little better.

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