BYC members in Massachusetts?

I'm looking for hire someone to tend my chickens while I'm out of town for a month in Jan/Feb. Just someone to fill their water/food and shovel them out after snow. I'm in Shrewsbury. Any takers?
I am looking to add two heritage breed Barred Plymouth Rock pullets to my mostly retired small flock. I would prefer to purchase them from a farm that vaccinates their chicks, rather than feed store or hatchery due to quality and order minimums. I am from RI, located near the Massachusetts and Connecticut border and will be posting there as well. Is anyone aware of a breeder that sells pullets like this? Also, I can only keep hens, so I will not be able to take or keep any bird that turns out to be a rooster.
Two lovely buff geese looking for a new home, located western mass, near ct. Both female, one is 2020 hatching and one is 2021 hatching. Names are Nancy, and floof, but they respond to 'goose' or any words really. Floof is a American tuft buff, and Nancy is standard American buff. They originally come from Metzer farms.
Hi. Did you end up finding a home for these beautiful geese?
Two lovely buff geese looking for a new home, located western mass, near ct. Both female, one is 2020 hatching and one is 2021 hatching. Names are Nancy, and floof, but they respond to 'goose' or any words really. Floof is a American tuft buff, and Nancy is standard American buff. They originally come from Metzer farms.
did you ever find a home for these 2? Wish I wouldve seen this!! (I am in Southeast Maine...)
Just putting this on here even though it seems like none of you guys are from cape and islands area. On Martha’s Vineyard (where I live) there has apparently recently been a few cases of avian flu in a backyard flock, and they put the whole flock down. They won’t say which town, so I don’t know about that part. Scary stuff that it is now reaching us up here in MA.
Just putting this on here even though it seems like none of you guys are from cape and islands area. On Martha’s Vineyard (where I live) there has apparently recently been a few cases of avian flu in a backyard flock, and they put the whole flock down. They won’t say which town, so I don’t know about that part. Scary stuff that it is now reaching us up here in MA.
There was a huge outbreak in Plymouth too like a month or so ago. Scary. I think that one was mostly wild birds but still.
Just putting this on here even though it seems like none of you guys are from cape and islands area. On Martha’s Vineyard (where I live) there has apparently recently been a few cases of avian flu in a backyard flock, and they put the whole flock down. They won’t say which town, so I don’t know about that part. Scary stuff that it is now reaching us up here in MA.
Thank you for sharing. I love my ducks and chickens. I'm so sorry for anyone who has been affected.
There was a huge outbreak in Plymouth too like a month or so ago. Scary. I think that one was mostly wild birds but still.
I heard about this, articles I saw was 16 dead wild birds? I see dead birds on the beach pretty often, so that one didn’t freak me out as much, but still really scary. Hope everyone’s flocks are safe!

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