California - Northern

On the Australorp Thread a person from Australia said:

Even if you were trying to create an Australian Australorp, crossing your langshan would not work as American Langshans look quite different from Australian Langshans.

There must be Langshans there still. I hope Chiqita can find some....

I have langshans in the bator right now! Can't wait for them to hatch!
It's to make extra room in the coop, it makes it less likely they'll use the box as a perch and it makes it so you can collect eggs without going through the pen or in the coop (can't walk into out coops anyway, they are all elevated).

I love it, great idea and job. It should really make your coop cooler (and cool to look at, LOL)

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's!


Happy Mother's Day!


I keep everything outside of the coop. I don't want them spilling food indoors and you don't want to add a source of moisture (mold, ammonia, etc) inside the coop. As dry as possible is your friend. I currently use the commercial type hanging feeders that hold 40# of food in each run. I had to add the lid to each feeder to keep out roosting birds and blowing rain. But I'm still not happy with them and am working on converting to homemade PVC feeders for each pen that can be filled from outside. We use the commercial double wall waterers and pans in all our runs for water (the first two coops have automatic water founts). This is a HUGE source of work for us and they are all being converted to an automatic water nipple system. In fact, there is a bag of 50 chicken nipples sitting next to my computer with paper and pen. I'm currently designing the layout for the first bank of cages and we're going to Home Depot for PVC and fittings tomorrow. I can't wait to get them converted, less work and cleaner for the birds.

My next project is to add misters around the top of all the runs before the heat gets too bad this year and add more permanent roofs over all the runs before next winter. Only three runs had permanent roofs and I loved them. We added tarps over some of the runs, but when the rain was bad I would still get muddy messes. My mother's day gift is supposed to be my son coming over and shoveling three truckloads of sand for me. Start/end of winter all the runs get a fresh layer of sand. Right now my pens look like packed down concrete (mixture of sand, dirt, spilled feed & droppings cemented together).

Happy Mothers Day to all!
Woo Hoo! Got to start planting the roof today! Soooo excited to finish it tomorrow!

"Momsa is off her meds again, you agree?"

Frame installed

All hail perlite!

Dirt on and chicken wire overlay for stability.

Grow baby, Grow!!
What a neat idea! Your coop is beautiful already! I look forward to seeing it when you are finished with the roof!
On the Australorp Thread a person from Australia said:

Even if you were trying to create an Australian Australorp, crossing your langshan would not work as American Langshans look quite different from Australian Langshans.

There must be Langshans there still. I hope Chiqita can find some....
If I'm remembering correctly, the Australian Langshans look different because 50 years or so the Croad Langshans in Australia almost died out and they used Australorps in the breeding to increase fertility. This is according to BYC member thorleif who lives in South Wales and has been breeding Croad Langshans for years, maybe even decades. He also says that our Am Langshans are the same as Croads and he doesn't know why we don't refer to them as Croad Langshans. He has beautiful LF white Langshans!
I have langshans in the bator right now! Can't wait for them to hatch!
Exciting!!! Where did you get the eggs? I have 30 shipped LF black Langshan eggs in my incubator right now along with 2 of my own mixed Langshan eggs from the farm. Wed will be day 10 and that's when I'm going to candle them to see if anything is developing. Can hardly wait! I came home from the farm with 19 more hopefully fertile eggs that I will put in the incubator for a staggered hatch if these shipped eggs aren't developing.
Happy Mother's Day!!! So what are you other mothers doing on your special day? We spent yesterday painting nest boxes for our breeding pens at the farm and today, after church, we are building a quail pen! My family thinks I'm crazy to spend Mother's Day doing that but I have to get these 19 quail out of the brooder in my spare room! I can always count on lots of help if I plan a project on Mother's Day or my birthday!
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