California - Northern

Ok so my Orpington that was in the nest box wasn't in there to lay an egg she was in there cuz she had bumble foot! I did the surgery and one other orp had it too. Then I checked everyone else and nobody but my marans/olive egger pen had it.

Why only those 2 pens? What am I doing wrong with them?
I read that they can get it from being heavy and jumping down off of the roost. I have only had it in two of my chickens, both Wyandottes and they are really heavy birds! I did not need to do the surgery. Just kept them in a dog crate at night for a few weeks so the foot wasn't stressed. Put Bag Balm on the area and gave them granulated garlic (natural antibiotic) and they healed just fine
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I know some medications can cause sun sensitivity. I know Sun can make Vitamin D - which is used up when you are in pain or are sick - but I am unsure if a lack of it in your body can cause rashes from over-reaction to the process that makes it.. Just something to think about. I wish more "health professionals" would do tests on what you are lacking - it seems they miss tests that can show a lot of information. I am lacking an essential mineral. I know because if I forget to take my multi-vitamin/multi-mineral tablets I am wiped out at 2 p.m. - if I take them I can make it through the day. I don't know which one it is - but it isn't in the multi-vitamin tablets because they don't work.

HOORAY! That is a great hatch from shipped eggs.

Your Porcelain/Chipmunk one - is it bright Partridge or a very light Partridge color? I have seen Lavender Silkies born looking faintly Chipmunk - its because the Lavender is over the Partridge gene (e+ I suspect). If your Porcelain is dark Partridge its possibly it doesn't have two Lavender genes.. but that can be fixed next generation - I believe that color is still a "work in progress".

Only day 21... Yes - they have 4 more days to come out and play. I still say that is an amazing hatch - and you did get your Porcelain!

That color is called Really Pretty. EEs don't really have color "names". The closest I would guess genetically is Wild type/Partridge/Lacing/Blue. e+ with Blue.
I wouldn't call 9, possibly 13 out of 30 eggs a good hatch. But I am happy

The egg in question was marked as a porcelain. What colors were used to create the porcelain color? I thought it was lavender and buff?

Here is a picture of the chick in question. Look at those chipmunk stripes. Love its color!

Here is the whole gang~

Chick shoes for the blue and lavender. Curled toe on one foot.
I read that they can get it from being heavy and jumping down off of the roost. I have only had it in two of my chickens, both Wyandottes and they are really heavy birds! I did not need to do the surgery. Just kept them in a dog crate at night for a few weeks so the foot wasn't stressed. Put Bag Balm on the area and gave them granulated garlic (natural antibiotic) and they healed just fine
Honestly my hen finally stopped going into the stupid blackberry bush a couple weeks ago and in the new coop doesn't jump on the high roost anymore but actually either sleeps on the ground or on the low branch (it's like 8 inches off the ground) and her foot is doing SO much better with me leaving her alone than when I was scooping it out etc. I'm thrilled- because for a while I thought I'd have to cull her. I'll have to remember the garlic!
I wouldn't call 9, possibly 13 out of 30 eggs a good hatch. But I am happy

The egg in question was marked as a porcelain. What colors were used to create the porcelain color? I thought it was lavender and buff?

Here is a picture of the chick in question. Look at those chipmunk stripes. Love its color!

Here is the whole gang~

Chick shoes for the blue and lavender. Curled toe on one foot.
SO cute! Congrats!
I wouldn't call 9, possibly 13 out of 30 eggs a good hatch. But I am happy

The egg in question was marked as a porcelain. What colors were used to create the porcelain color? I thought it was lavender and buff?

Here is a picture of the chick in question. Look at those chipmunk stripes. Love its color!

Here is the whole gang~

Chick shoes for the blue and lavender. Curled toe on one foot.

Beautiful Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly my hen finally stopped going into the stupid blackberry bush a couple weeks ago and in the new coop doesn't jump on the high roost anymore but actually either sleeps on the ground or on the low branch (it's like 8 inches off the ground) and her foot is doing SO much better with me leaving her alone than when I was scooping it out etc. I'm thrilled- because for a while I thought I'd have to cull her. I'll have to remember the garlic!
Ya my marans and my orpingtons are my heaviest breeds. They jump down out of their houses too. I'll have to have my husband fix the roosts to be lower and thicker. Everyone else is fine. Thank God because I really don't want to do that surgery anymore
I am looking at zinc oxide, zinc dioxide sun blocks. I do have some allergies to fragrances and chemicals so I have to be careful which one I use. Some of the good ones are $30 for 3 oz! I just need to bite the bullet and place my amazon order!
@PetRock I'm kind of fanatical about only using non toxic products as much as possible. I use this resource as a guide That site is pro vegan and I'm not, so I keep that in mind when reading their info. I did find a less expensive, fragrance free zinc sunscreen - Coppertone now makes a Sensitive Skin line of products that are zinc based and available at most stores. It does make your skin whitish, so I use it at home when working around the ranch. When I have to go out and don't want the ghost look, I've made my own sunscreen lotion & non toxic mineral make up made from ordering the basic non toxic ingredients for less money than buying the finished products.

Sorry for the off topic, but wanted you to know that you can find those products for less money.
Originally Posted by zooweemama

Honestly my hen finally stopped going into the stupid blackberry bush a couple weeks ago and in the new coop doesn't jump on the high roost anymore but actually either sleeps on the ground or on the low branch (it's like 8 inches off the ground) and her foot is doing SO much better with me leaving her alone than when I was scooping it out etc. I'm thrilled- because for a while I thought I'd have to cull her. I'll have to remember the garlic!
Ya my marans and my orpingtons are my heaviest breeds. They jump down out of their houses too. I'll have to have my husband fix the roosts to be lower and thicker. Everyone else is fine. Thank God because I really don't want to do that surgery anymore
Keep watching the ones in those two pens for a while. Fixing the roost will help with a lot of problems. Big chickens really do need the support of a flat 2x4, not on the edge 2x4. Orps are not supposed to jump more than 18".

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