
LaGeniaLoca Are you looking for Chicks? I know there will be a very wide variety of chickens for sale at the meet up. I cannot tell you specific breeds right now. I do know I have at least 1 marans chick (debating on keeping the other 2 to grow out) I have at least 4 white Ameraucana chicks straight run. I got 1 BRLW chick from my hatch too. All chicks are straight run chicks $10 each. Hatch date 3/26.
You could send PM's to carriebain and froggiesheins.
thanks hosspak! I will be bringing BLRW chicks (6 weeks old) I will be bringing some other breeds too, but don't have a final count how many I will have yet. I have a assortment of Roos that I need to rehome 7 for sure, ranging from 6 weeks up to 4 months. Marans, EE, blue laced red wyandotte, super blue egg layer and chocolate bantam wyandottes (4 weeks old)
This was a few pages ago, but I know who you're talking about (Brian). He "graciously" offered to let me keep my flock in the unused part of his coop with the agreement to pay for feed and come clean once a week. I saw them the following weekend, but he had excuses why I couldn't come out the following 2 weekends. Then he "unexpectedly" had to move all the birds to another location with 1 day's notice, due to code violations on his coop. After 5 weeks of communicating with this "other property owner" and planning a trip to pick up my birds, he stopped communicating with me and Brian said they were no longer friends. So, I haven't seen my birds since last November, and probably won't ever see them again. He will probably be at the Norco meet-up, too. I suspect they were sold at auction.
OMG. That was theft. He stole your chickens. Did he contact your through the SOCALPOULTRY group? If so, he is active there, you should POST what you wrote here on that board to warn other people. That would be a service to the rest of the members there. Maybe, Kevin the moderator/owner would kick him off the group. I recall a member asking for help watching/keeping her chickens while she was out of town. I don't know if that were you or not. I did send a warning email to her about that Brian guy, but don't know if she ever got it or the email ended up in spam box. So sorry you lost your chickens. All I can say is karma. He will get what's coming to him.

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