
But wait I'm getting a trio from Sue .. I'll just wait for there babies.. Thank you anyways
Anyone in so cal hatching some babies? If so what? Looking for black copper Moran, EE's, Wellies

I have limited hatches lined up of Black Copper Marans, Cream Legbars, Lavender Ameraucanas, olive eggers, some EE's, with luck some frizzles. Welsumer mixes are available but not straight Wellies. These are from my breeding stock.
[COLOR=141823]You are all cordially reinvited, invited again to the 2nd biannual Lake Elsinore, CPP/BYC South meet-up. The date is March 28, 2015 the location will again be at Lake Point Park, at 420 E Lakeshore Dr Lake Elsinore, CA. 92530. Set up starts at 9am and the party starts at 10am until dusk. There are trees, a playground, restrooms, and 4 picnic tables (1 bbq in the area). Plenty of parking, but will have to make an aprox 100 yard walk. The spot is overlooking the lake and the weather should be perfect. So come one, come all and tell a friend and pack a picnic lunch.[/COLOR][COLOR=141823]
[/COLOR][COLOR=141823]Feel free to add what you're looking for or what you want to bring. And please share the tread. Any questions, PM me... Thanks...[/COLOR]

Sounds like fun. Could always use a day outside and away from the house, and with fellow chicken fanciers? Good stuff.

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