
That's fine, baustin. Family first! I've answered
Haven't been on this site in a while. Computer trouble. I'm looking forward to Norco. My first time. Glad it's still in the works. I'll be bringing some BCMS cockerels. They are feathering out nicely. Will be 5 weeks out by then.
I'm new here and from San Juan Capistrano in Orange County. I'm currently searching for local bantam cochin breeders- I've found a lot in Norco and sent out several emails, but if anyone know anywhere else close to oc that sells bantam cochins, let me know
did you go to the norco meet...? alvin (behrable) took a lot of gorgeous banty cochins to the meet... you can hit him up now, but he lives in bakersfield...
I've learned my lesson, NEVER again will I get carried away with the 'cuteness' of bantams and buy some! I have two Calico cochin batams, two barred rock, and one unknown breed. The Barred Rock REFUSE to accept the batams and keep pecking at them. One has even bled from her comb from the pecking! It's too much work each evening continuing to cage the batams in a smaller cage and then put that in the coop because they can't be mixed in with the other three. Also, because of their size, when free-ranging in my yard, they are able to get through the pool fencing and then get down the driveway! I would get rid of the batams, but they belong to my 4 y.o. granddaughter. BTW, all five hens are laying. Anyone has the same problem?
IKWYM! - we integrate newbies at night as others have recommended, but it didn't work with our frizzle cochin bantams - guess they just LOOK too different!

So, after a short separation, we introduced them to the flock again, but this time we did it on a day when we knew we could be there to "babysit". This helped tremendously. We allowed some pecking of authority to establish the pecking order, but very time we caught one of our BR, etc. over-bullying a bantam we grabbed the offender and held her down (to show OUR authority) for a few seconds. At first they squawk but when they calm down we pet them and let them go. By the 2nd day everyone was getting along great.

IDK how "scientific" our method is, but it worked for us.....
IKWYM! - we integrate newbies at night as others have recommended, but it didn't work with our frizzle cochin bantams - guess they just LOOK too different!

So, after a short separation, we introduced them to the flock again, but this time we did it on a day when we knew we could be there to "babysit". This helped tremendously. We allowed some pecking of authority to establish the pecking order, but very time we caught one of our BR, etc. over-bullying a bantam we grabbed the offender and held her down (to show OUR authority) for a few seconds. At first they squawk but when they calm down we pet them and let them go. By the 2nd day everyone was getting along great.

IDK how "scientific" our method is, but it worked for us.....

A WHOLEHEARTEDLY X's 2 on this method. It DOES work.
I have three out of four Red Stars that refuse to accept my blue copper marans pullet even though she sleeps with them on the roost. I'm seriously thinking of culling the two meanest ones and I don't know if I'm going to get Red Stars again..
Thanks for the advice. I've pretty much tried all that after reading previous posts on integrating new chickens, but it didn't work. I love the egg color from my barred rock, but boy they sure can be mean and greedy, LOL! Yesterday, I put down two bowls of yogurt. I had to literally stand between the three and the batams so the batams could eat their yogurt! Same thing happens when I throw down feed, greens, bread, etc. The older ones run to get every thing they can and not allow the batams to get some of the treats. Sometimes I resort to locking up either the three or the batams. I used to have EEs and RIRs, and I don't recall them being this way.

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