
Hi Everyone...I am BRAND-New here to BYC. I have no chickens yet but am eagerly awaiting my hatching eggs coming week of Feb. 25. I will be getting my coop in a few weeks, I live in the city of Covina. Even though I have no chickens, I feel like I have chicken on the brain! I have been reading, researching, watching videos, printing out info, you name it...on how to keep backyard chickens. This weekend I am clearing out 'brush' in my yard to make space for my chicken coop & run. I spent hours everyday reading posts on these forums - wow - so much information!!

Congrats! There's lots to learn and this is a great place to do it. Keep us posted on your chicken adventures!
rockinro and captain ivory from Beautiful Downtown Burbank!
I was born and raised in this state, but the older I get, the more I long for common sense and common decency. Both of which seem to be in short supply around here these days. In my neck of the woods, they have even been trying to devise an "ordinance" to supersede my existing zoning, and limit me to 1-3 Roosters, and making me pay for an Animal Facility License.

I raise Dorking Chickens, which I chose because they are a Heritage breed on the ALBC's Threatened list, down only one place from Critical. The idea that someone who doesn't know their game cock from their Dorking, or a Silkie from a Serama being able to make rules that effectively changes the zoning to my home which I purchased in the middle of freekin nowhere on purpose so no one would bother me, is in my opinion a travesty.

A little cut/paste from a letter from Marcia Mayeda to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors:

Cockfighting, although illegal, occurs in the County of Los Angeles (County) and a large number of roosters are bred, raised, or kept within the County for this illegal blood sport. Additionally, many crimes such as drugs, weapons, gambling, and child endangerment are often discovered at illegal cockfighting properties. Cockfighting events promote illegal gambling operations and attract other criminal and gang activities into residential communities, endangering law-abiding residents who are often fearful to report cockfighting for fear of retaliation. The investigation and prosecution of illegal cockfighting activities requires significant County resources from departments including, but not limited to, Animal Care and Control, Sheriff’s, District Attorney, Probation, and Children and Family Services.

The noise, odors, health, and sanitation issues resulting from the keeping of multiple roosters create serious public nuisances that disturb the comfort and peaceful enjoyment of residents and negatively impact property values and the quality of life in many communities. Maintaining, transporting, or importing uninspected birds for the purpose of illegal fighting can also cause the spread of deadly avian diseases, including Avian Flu and Exotic Newcastle Disease, to birds and poultry within the County.
By limiting the number of roosters on any one property, the County seeks to balance the desires of individuals to keep roosters with the rights of their neighbors to live in safe, peaceful, and tranquil neighborhoods.

I see her point from the vantage of where I happen to live. It's a very real thing here. However, the fact that it doesn't suggest NO roosters AT ALL is a bit encouraging. They might make it acceptable to have ONE rooster on your property. Right now where I live it's zero roosters allowed. Would be nice to be able to have at least one :)
I think I missed that whole 'hi, my name is' thing and just jumped on my soap box (lol).

I'm in the Antelope Valley, and raise Dorking Chickens in addition to my chatty spoiled Breakfast Club lady's of various ages and breeds that roam the place keeping spiders and bugs in check.

Who where breeds what? Lol.
I see her point from the vantage of where I happen to live. It's a very real thing here. However, the fact that it doesn't suggest NO roosters AT ALL is a bit encouraging. They might make it acceptable to have ONE rooster on your property. Right now where I live it's zero roosters allowed. Would be nice to be able to have at least one :)

Yes, but I purchased a house on land that specifically for it's rural animal friendly zoning. Les than 2.5 years later they are trying to make up revenue grabbing ordinances that SUPERCEDE EXISTING ZONING!

All of my neighbors have animals, about 70 percent have "farm" animals, about 50 percent have chickens with roosters. ZERO percent have anything to do with cockfighting.
Ok yeah that is completely different. I think I know where you are and I agree: you should be able to raise what you want. I'd love to have a rooster, had to get rid of two just last month. Unfortunately we do have the undesirable element not too far from us that have ruined things for the rest of us.

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