
I'm coming to orange county over Christmas and could bring french muscovy eggs down. No ducklings however. But I think I might have told you that in another site.. or there is a score rush in so cal!

If it was CPP on Facebook it's not me, it's my friend (who I was asking for here, so either way, you've answered her!). Thank you :)
ahh! well I hope she finds something, I know she was asking for ducklings, hope she finds some for her broodie! If not someone will yell at me I'm sure.
I'm looking for ameraucanas to add to my tiny flock of two, anybody have some hens? Already have a rooster
Chickens Galore in Norco has nice EE's he calls Ameraucana's. Whatever they are, he is a very nice guy and I have four of his birds. Three EE and a BCM

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