
Not sure if this is the right place to post, but I have a 1.5yr old male Indian Runner Duck I need to rehome.
He was meant to be a she, and now is getting to be too much for the 2 girl ducks. Adding more females is not an option for us.
He’s super sweet and loving to humans, eats from our hands, my kids carry him around and pet him.
We are in Ventura County.
The chicken-pile of above keeps growing! The three males are crowing and posturing and preening and pouncing on littermates: I need to do something. Anyone want 2 roosters? Your pick of the three! Have Rooster Will Travel...


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Hello So Cal friends!
My name is Katie and I’m located in Chatsworth (San Fernando Valley).
We have a good size backyard flock of chickens as well as ducks and a couple geese.
We breed crested cream legbars, lavender orpintons and barnyard mixes. We frequently have chicks available and have a lot of roosters available right now. Most are crested cream legbar but we also have naked neck/cream legbar cross as well as some beautiful barnyard mixes.


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I live in Southern California. I have three precious feather babies. Sweet, smart cuddly girls. Pheobe is my Barred Rock, Gloria is a Buff Orpington, and the smartest of the bunch, Penny, is an Isa Brown. They are almost a year old. I joined the backyard chicken community about a year ago, but could no longer log into my account so I created a new one.
Our life took an unexpected turn. I am currently going through a divorce. My husband left the state and my kids and I are barely able to make it on our own. We don’t know how much longer we will be able to stay in our home and we need to find a new home for my feather babies. They have been spoiled and loved. However, these last few months, our little world fell apart and I have not been able to care for them as they deserve. I can’t just give them away because I recently discovered bumblefoot on Penny (and maybe Gloria) and possible mites? I’m trying to take care of them, but with life changes it’s literally become a decision of the chickens or my family. I’ve been asking God for help. I need someone to take care of them. I love them🥺. I don’t know who would take them with their issues. They are such good girls. Good layers and they give me double yolks every so often. They are happy, loving and submissive. If there is anyone out there with a big heart and time…Could you please love my babies for me? Your adoption would come of my lifetime’s worth of blessings and prayers for your family.
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Hi all,

I'm looking to re-home an older barred rock hen. My girls were attacked a few days ago and she's my sole survivor.

She hasn't been laying for about a year now. I had wanted to keep all my older hens but after losing all my flock, I'm feeling too devastated to get more to keep her company right now.

She doesn't like being picked up or handled but she'll happily follow you around. She was my guard. When I let the flock out to free range, she'd be standing watch while the others grazed.

I know a non-laying hen is a hard sell but thought I'd try.
Hi all,

I'm looking to re-home an older barred rock hen. My girls were attacked a few days ago and she's my sole survivor.

She hasn't been laying for about a year now. I had wanted to keep all my older hens but after losing all my flock, I'm feeling too devastated to get more to keep her company right now.

She doesn't like being picked up or handled but she'll happily follow you around. She was my guard. When I let the flock out to free range, she'd be standing watch while the others grazed.

I know a non-laying hen is a hard sell but thought I'd try.
Good morning. I’m so sorry to hear about your flock. It’s devastating!
Where are you located in So Cal?
Hello, I would like to buy two female call ducklings, one white and one pastel, preferably vaccined and show quality and able to be delivered to california. If you know somewhere where I can get this, please email! ([email protected])
Hi, I am located in the San Gabriel Valley and looking to buy chicks a few days to a few months old. I am looking for quiet, docile, friendly breeds, (e.g. barred plymouth rock, orpingtons). Please message me if you have any available or recommendations. I am calling a few hatcheries and browsing the for sale forums as well. Thanks!
Hi, I am located in the San Gabriel Valley and looking to buy chicks a few days to a few months old. I am looking for quiet, docile, friendly breeds, (e.g. barred plymouth rock, orpingtons). Please message me if you have any available or recommendations. I am calling a few hatcheries and browsing the for sale forums as well. Thanks!
Buckaboo farm is nearby. You might want to check that out. Avoid hilltop farm.

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