
If I didn't live in the city I would love to keep it (it's illegal to keep chickens in my city). So I don't want to have someone calling about my Roo and having to get rid of the whole flock. On a good note so far my Roo is the mellowest bird in my flock. I hope I can send him to home where when he starts crowing no one will care. In response to "harvesting" my roo, I don't think I would get much meat off of a 9 week old bird that weights about 1.5 lbs or less. It wouldn't be worth the trouble plus I have a 4 yo daughter that wouldn't be happy with me doing that!
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totally enjoying the warm weather right now...sunny and warm... even my chickens are mellowing out in the sun
too early to kiss winter good bye?? spring is around the corner and im so itching to start expanding and getting more girls............
We're having lovely weather for the high desert. The nights are in the upper 20's but the days get up to 70 and so far no wind. I heard some may be coming in but on the 5th of Jan last year we had 4 in. of snow on the ground. I have nine chicks one month old. Five are Old English Game bantams and the others are black silkie/maran. I just put 16 eggs in the incubator that are all kinds, silkie, americauna, easter eggers and whatever.

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