
Thanks! I am wondering how much work & time is required in cleaning up the coop and what does it entail? For instance how much time does it take you to clean the poop and what do you use to clean it with? How often do you clean it? Do you put down pine shavings each time or every day, once a week?

Many thanks,


we built our own coop and we used fiber glass reinforced plastic (frp) and it is great for when we hve to clean the whole thing. way easier than wood at least. we also use the deep litter method so we only have clean it 1-2 a year. hope this helps
Thanks! I am wondering how much work & time is required in cleaning up the coop and what does it entail? For instance how much time does it take you to clean the poop and what do you use to clean it with? How often do you clean it? Do you put down pine shavings each time or every day, once a week?

Many thanks,

I also recommend "deep bedding"method. I use yellow straw and lay 8"-10" inches layer of it in their run and coop. Chickens have natural instinct to scratch and look for food, so they rotate the straw and poop. I started this just month and a half ago and din't cleaned since. Some people, that use deep bedding, clean once every 2-3 months, some even less often. Another benefit of it - when you remove dirty straw with chicken poop in it, you can use it as a great fertilizer in garden. Plants LOVE it.
So I suppose this is as good a thread as any.... we have two Blue Copper Marans roos that are needing a good home. If you're in the southern California area and are looking for a great breeding roo.... I hatched these two out of lovely eggs from the Garry Farm and I'm not allowed any roos in Long Beach.

Will post pictures as soon as I can settle them down enough... almost 6 weeks old, and just gorgeous. Believe me... if I could, I would keep them all.

Please please PM me if you're interested!! Thanks so much everyone, Jane
Maybe I'm cheeping up the wrong roost here.... but I've gotta try. These are gorgeous 5 1/2 week olds and would be hand delivered to ya within reason.... I'm not equipped with a plane after all....
but, yikes... please don't make me have to take them to the feed store. My first hatch guys that need to be gone. (sigh) Blue Copper Marans....

Let me know if anyone's interested.
Anyone near LA have lavender ameraucanas?? I love the color! I think I may have a hen and was wondering if anyone had some if I decided to make pet quality lavenders the future.

also if you bred a lavender ameraucana with a lavender orpington will they have lavender chicks? what colors would they be?
Hi PM noseychickens, she knows "everybody". Also there is a meet-up in Palmdale on Saturday the 14th, so maybe you could actually get one then.!/events/461675403845042/
Also check out this link [if it works for you] this is about the meet-up.......
LOL I know nobody! Ha ha ha! Check the Ameraucana breeders list on you should be able to find someone there. I dont know anyone locally with lavenders. I used to have lavender bantams but I gave them up. I do have black/blue/and white.

I would assume breeding lavender to lavender you would get lavender. It isn't like blue to blue where you would get splash.
froggiess : I dont think the link works because im not in the facebook group :( I was thinking about driving to palmsdale but its about an hour drive. I had to put my 16 year old dog to sleep today because she ruptured a disc in her spine when we took her to get a dental. So I might go... would you be able to Pm me more information about it I might beable to convince a friend to go with me :D

Noseychickens : I think all of the breeders who breed lavenders are in norcal or out of state.
My friend has some but my lavender is from the same batch and I don't think its good to inbreed...

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