Calling all teenagers

We didn’t do anything that terrible! You guys are acting like we cussed you guys out or something! I apologized several times, I am sorry, it was wrong, but the only terrible thing said was poop water and as rude as it was it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. We both regret offending people and hurting feelings and saying that in general and I understand if you guys can forgive me right now but I really hope this doesn’t ruin all of our friendships.
I'm not offended Tess, I don't offend easily. I am just frustrated on behalf of my friend. There's nothing wrong between you and me, don't stress that. I speak for no one else though.
I think this has been escalating for a few days now so I think we need to take a minute and calm down. Enough with the name calling and even if we don't like each other let's try to be polite? Otherwise I am going to have to leave this thread, again. This kind drama is why I left most PMs, I don't need nor want it in my life.
We didn’t do anything that terrible! You guys are acting like we cussed you guys out or something! I apologized several times, I am sorry, it was wrong, but the only terrible thing said was poop water and as rude as it was it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. We both regret offending people and hurting feelings and saying that in general and I understand if you guys can forgive me right now but I really hope this doesn’t ruin all of our friendships.
I agree I think we all need to calm down. They said they were sorry and they would not do it again. They genuinely feel bad we don't need to extend it out anymore. I am sorry too feelings were hurt but let's try to move on. Everyone seems like really good fun people on this thread. It was just a mistake which was corrected and apologized for
We didn’t do anything that terrible! You guys are acting like we cussed you guys out or something! I apologized several times, I am sorry, it was wrong, but the only terrible thing said was poop water and as rude as it was it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. We both regret offending people and hurting feelings and saying that in general and I understand if you guys can forgive me right now but I really hope this doesn’t ruin all of our friendships.
I don't see how you can say you didn't mean it. I read everything that was wrote. My suggestion would be to PM Clouds and Abby and apologize personally. IF that's even worth it at this point. If you guys aren't mature enough to know when to keep your mouths shut then I'm sorry but I have no desire to be friends with you, especially when you personally bullying two of my very close friends.

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