Campylobacter - treat or accept it as part of farm?


6 Years
Apr 10, 2018
My family and I have raised chickens at scale for many years now without issues. We raise somewhere around 1000 a year between layers, meat birds and turkeys.

Recently we had a family outbreak of Campylobacter that is very likely from our chicken flocks. Everything I've seen seems to point to this being a a normal occurrence in poultry that is typically solved with good handwashing and normal cooking of poultry.

Has anyone dealt with their poultry having Campylobacter before? Is there any flock level treatment available, does it need to be treated?
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What does your doctor think?
He has the sick family members on antibiotics, but he doesn't have any opinion on farm practices.

My question is more directed at whether or not it's something other poultry farmers have treated in their flocks in the past, or if it's just taken as part of life within a poultry flock and you keep your hygiene up and let it run its course.
You can use an antibacterial on your flock. Ask your vet. If there is a bird specialist in your area that would be a good place to start. Or even a university that has a veterinarian school or agricultural school. Try Michigan State University.
My question is more directed at whether or not it's something other poultry farmers have treated in their flocks in the past, or if it's just taken as part of life within a poultry flock and you keep your hygiene up and let it run its course.
I've never heard here of it being a problem, but then most here are not that highly populated. When I think campylobactor, I think of improperly slaughtered/prepared meat.
My family and I have raised chickens at scale for many years now without issues. We raise somewhere around 1000 a year between layers, meat birds and turkeys.

Recently we had a family outbreak of Campylobacter that is very likely from our chicken flocks. Everything I've seen seems to point to this being a a normal occurrence in poultry that is typically solved with good handwashing and normal cooking of poultry.

Has anyone dealt with their poultry having Campylobacter before? Is there any flock level treatment available, does it need to be treated?
I helped to process chickens. Had an awful, extremely painful outbreak of Campylobacter . Antibiotics didn’t help.
Raw Garlic w/Tbsp honey twice a day kicked it!!! Had a second outbreak and used same method (drink lots water prevent dehydration) it worked quickly and wonderfully. As to whether it should be accepted as norm…. Depends on how many times you are willing to tolerate severe diarrhea. I was told by the cdc (the local Hospital alerted them to my condition) that it occurred from direct contact with blood of raw chicken. If you can protect yourself from this I would think you should be free of any more outbreaks.
Sorry for your pain

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