Can chicks be twins?????


Near the clouds⛅
Premium Feather Member
Jan 20, 2024
The woods Alaska
I have an interesting question for you. I bought these 30 chicks from a local breeder. They arrived a few days ago and are a month old. So there are two that look the exact same. I mean they look the same, act the same and just generally move the same. Do you think they could be twins? They are the smallest of all 30 and they look completely differently from the others. Thanks!
I have an interesting question for you. I bought these 30 chicks from a local breeder. They arrived a few days ago and are a month old. So there are two that look the exact same. I mean they look the same, act the same and just generally move the same. Do you think they could be twins? They are the smallest of all 30 and they look completely differently from the others. Thanks!
If you mean, could the two chicks have hatched from one egg: almost certainly not. Sometimes 2 chicks start to develop in one egg, but usually one or both of them die, rather than having 2 healthy chicks hatch out of the egg.

Since they are smaller than the other chicks and look like each other but completely different than the others, they are probably the same breed or mix as each other, but the others are probably different breeds or mixes. It is common for some breeds to grow faster than others, and for some breeds to always be smaller even when they are adults.

The two chicks might even be full siblings: same father, same mother, from eggs the hen laid on different days. If the person collected eggs for several days and then put them all in the incubator at once, there could be several eggs from one hen that all hatch on the same day.

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