Can I incorporate Geese into my small duck flock?

chicken mother

Mar 16, 2019
I have 5 ducks. 4 welsh harlequins (one is male) and 1 silver appleyard. They’re 2 years old. I want to get two female goslings and introduce them to the ducks once they’re big enough but not too big. I also have a polish chicken who stays with the ducks, which might also be a problem. I keep my chickens and ducks in separate areas but that one polish is an escape artist and always goes back to the ducks.
I don’t want any duck, chicken, or goose deaths. Possible, or too risky? What do we think?
If it’s too risky i’ll just get more ducks but I’d really like to get a pair of geese.
It mostly depends on the personalities of all birds involved.
Ducks can bully smaller goslings which can predispose them to not liking the ducks later. Drakes can be obsessive bullies towards other birds and downright murderous to baby birds so that can be something to watch out for.

As adults geese can get along fine with ducks, other times not so much. Adult geese can get bullied by ducks as surprising as that sounds, however even a female goose can easily kill a duck if she realizes that she can.

So if you go ahead with this:
Don’t integrate the goslings with the ducks until they’re large enough that they can get away from the ducks.
Introduce them slowly under supervision.
Keep an eye out for bullying from the ducks and the geese.
Once they’re adults ensure they have adequate space so that if there’s a squabble between them they can get away from one another.
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In short Yes!

Be careful to not introduce small ducklings or goslings to larger geese… I had a gosling get chewed by a territorial gander recently. Poor thing was in shock. Survived fine but was a bit brutal.

I think you introducing goslings to already existing flock will go much smoother. The goslings may get picked on a bit but they’ll grow quick and understand the pecking order
I have 5 ducks. 4 welsh harlequins (one is male) and 1 silver appleyard. They’re 2 years old. I want to get two female goslings and introduce them to the ducks once they’re big enough but not too big. I also have a polish chicken who stays with the ducks, which might also be a problem. I keep my chickens and ducks in separate areas but that one polish is an escape artist and always goes back to the ducks.
I don’t want any duck, chicken, or goose deaths. Possible, or too risky? What do we think?
If it’s too risky i’ll just get more ducks but I’d really like to get a pair of geese.
I'm currently working on integrating my African gosling and her two ducklings with our 10 adult ducks. The gosling isn't afraid of anything, it's quite the opposite really lol.
If you're getting geese and have other birds of any kind you have to be aware of the pecking order. Geese will be on top of it. A dominant goose can be bully to any animal.

I've seen it both ways, a stray goose adopts my neighbors two Pekin ducks. After she passed they got two goslings and these two run the show, one in particular is dominant and will push everyone around, but the rooster.

I used to catch my gander and my mother goose (she's gone) dominating the chickens as I found my hens submitting to them. Things have settled down some since, but if a chicken gets in their space they'll pull feathers. I free range and house everyone separately at night, the chickens know to stay clear.
If you're getting geese and have other birds of any kind you have to be aware of the pecking order. Geese will be on top of it. A dominant goose can be bully to any animal.

I've seen it both ways, a stray goose adopts my neighbors two Pekin ducks. After she passed they got two goslings and these two run the show, one in particular is dominant and will push everyone around, but the rooster.

I used to catch my gander and my mother goose (she's gone) dominating the chickens as I found my hens submitting to them. Things have settled down some since, but if a chicken gets in their space they'll pull feathers. I free range and house everyone separately at night, the chickens know to stay clear.
What kind of geese?

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