Can you give Corid AND tetracycline together?

One more question. Millie is doing much better. She is barely struggling at all now to poop, yeah!!! poops are looking way more normal too! Do you think that it would be too much for her system at once to stay out tonight in the coop? it is going to be in the 40's tonight. Should I wait a few more days? She is on day 4 of the meds. I ended up treating all the chicks because they were all exposed to her at some point, and where we're going on vacation next week, I don't want to chance them all coming down with it while we're gone and my caregivers not having any idea what to do, or even notice that chicks are sick.
thank you so much for your kind words <3 <3 <3 I thank you so much for helping me with this! She is such a bossy pants, but I love her. I'll post a picture of her tomorrow :)
The symptoms are the same..what should I do? She was doing fine this morning, and then started again. I've never even known things like this can happen, she keeps acting like she's trying to either poop or lay, I don't know which..I've still got her separated from the rest of the hens..what to do..what to do..
I did more research, and the symptoms are similar to cocci, but it's called blackhead disease, which attacks the liver...I called the vet, and am waiting on a call back to see what can be done..will post as soon as I can with more info!!!
Okay, you need to take a deep breath. It's not blackhead disease, I'd bet my coop on it. Rarely are chickens affected by that. Symptoms can be so similar and be completely different things. The age of the bird, the sex, the function of the bird, the circumstance, etc, all come into play in a diagnosis.

Also, if you're talking about a regular vet, he probably knows less about it than long time chicken keepers on BYC. If your hen is straining, she's having a reproductive issue 9 times out of 10. Stop thinking "disease" and think "malfunction" with a laying hen with those symptoms.

Again, 6 week old chick= WAY different than 2 year old laying hen.
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If she is trying to pass an egg, then you can try to reach in and see if there is some way to remove it, but if there is blood, it's probably beyond your scope to deal with. If she is laying internally, it is fatal, yes. If she is egg bound, you can search threads here on how to try to remove the egg, but I can't type anymore-carpal tunnel.

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