
5 Years
Aug 26, 2019
A few months ago I bought some ducks off of craigslist. One of them started laying for a few weeks then hasn't laid since. Then another one was laying pretty consistently for awhile then after some of the ducks died she hasn't played since. I know age can play a factor in laying as long as stress but my other duck has been laying everyday even after the attack. SO is there anyway I can tell a ducks age? Is there anything else that you could think of that could stop laying like this? Any help is appreciated.
A few months ago I bought some ducks off of craigslist. One of them started laying for a few weeks then hasn't laid since. Then another one was laying pretty consistently for awhile then after some of the ducks died she hasn't played since. I know age can play a factor in laying as long as stress but my other duck has been laying everyday even after the attack. SO is there anyway I can tell a ducks age? Is there anything else that you could think of that could stop laying like this? Any help is appreciated.
Ok, so let's be specific about what happened. Did she see it? This is all very vague.
I had a duck for 2 years, never laid. I questioned her gender alot! Her flock mates(1 duck and 3 chooks) where all taken out by a fox, she was injured in attack. Anyway a little whiles later we got 3 ducks and a drake for her. 2 weeks after their arrival she started laying up a storm. I guess she just needed a man?
I thought so too but we already have a drake but he isn't the manliest so I don't know. I plan on getting some Muscovy Ducks and im planning on getting drake so Ill see how it goes.

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