Cat ate my chicken

MY neighbors have outdoor cats as well as most everyone else so I don't free range much but when I do I watch out for the cats. One jumped out of a tree once landing on one of my hens backs but fell or jumped off when my hen took off running flapping her wings .It hasn't bothered her since. Bantams (small chicks) are high risk of being eaten and killed (there are few exceptions to cats)
Hey, so I didn’t see Thomas come into my room when I was moving chicks from the incubator to the brooder, and he got one of my hatchlings. Is there any way to discourage this behavior? He doesn’t go after my older birds, and is practically the worst barn cat ever, I’m not sure what got into him, but I need advice.
I had a vision of a wind-up toy chick that would give off a nice jolt to anything that tries to pick it up.

I don't recall them being sold at Walmart.
Ok, I think I figured it out.

Place one of these ...

on one of these ....

Maybe add something terrible tasting to it. Foul tasting ... not fowl tasting.
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I'm currently brooding chicks in a spare bedroom and I have a 6 month old cat. I don't trust him even a little. He is way too fast
0% chance I could intercept him before he got one. So no, make sure he does not get in and if he does, out he goes.

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