Devastated after dog attack

If it happened to me I would have killed the dog. I would either shoot it or impale it with my sharpened pitchfork.
I'm ready for it, there is already many idiots with their dogs, who come around my property, even in the mud, just to show my chickens to their dogs and get them excited. My property is fenced, but if any dog ever get through, it's a dead dog. Their owners can cry me a river.
20 minutes chasing and yelling for help? That dog wouldn't have lasted 2 minutes. Thats about how long it would have taken me to get to a rifle. New neighbor would have gotten his dog back feet first.
I'm so sorry for your cochin, and the mess you had to deal with. I'd be on the phone with Animal Control immediately, and/ or the local law, and have this idiot dog owner understand that this is not going to ever happen again!
Nice to get an apology, but where's the money for your valuable and loved hen? And especially what about 'don't know how to contain my dog?" Really? Wrong answer! that's why you need Animal Control and the police, and freshen up your skills with your gun!
Anyone's animal can escape, as a rare event, and sometimes cause harm. BUT the owner should be right there, cash in hand, and redo their animal containment situation immediately. Nothing about 'don't know how to manage"!!!
That's awful, I'm sorry your neighbor put you through that.
Whenever we see a dog on the property the first thing we grab is a gun, and to everyone, no matter where they live, I recommend grabbing a gun before even thinking of entering the same area as an excited and/or attacking dog. Dog encounters can be unpredictable, and a gun can be the tool that saves you from loss of pets, livestock, and injury to yourself or loved ones.
If it happened to me I would have killed the dog. I would either shoot it or impale it with my sharpened pitchfork.
I'm ready for it, there is already many idiots with their dogs, who come around my property, even in the mud, just to show my chickens to their dogs and get them excited. My property is fenced, but if any dog ever get through, it's a dead dog. Their owners can cry me a river.
I went through something like this before the first bitter cold snap this year. A neighbor of mine had chickens., but he was irresponsible, and didn't take care of them.

They were slowly killed off by the local wildlife. 10 chickens in totaI. I talked him out of everything he had left. (small coop and food, the whole lot).Thing is..he had 2 rat dogs. One was a demon Chihuahua that took a chunk out of the Black Maran's neck. I bit my tongue, and nursed that Maran back to health. Thankfully it survived.
I don’t really have a question or anything - I’ve just need to vent to someone who may understand. I’ve had chickens for nine years, and I’ve lost many to predators but I’ve never had anything like this happen.

My flock of 11 hens get free time every evening with supervision. Sometimes my dad and me, and sometimes just one of us. This evening, we were all out, but my dad had to go inside, and I had my 15-year-old hospice dog with me. All the sudden, the chickens were screaming and flying everywhere. My new-ish neighbor’s very large, mean dog had gotten out and was chasing them.

I ran around chasing him and keeping him from killing the chickens for a good 20 mins while screaming HELP!!! Of course, no one came. He finally started to go for my dog, and I couldn’t let that happen, so I dove on top of her and he got one of my beloved Cochins. I watched him eat her alive. The look on her face was unbearable. Thankfully, she died fairly quickly after he came and take a second bite out of her. I was finally able to call my dad, and the owner came over shortly after, and the three of us chased that dog for another 20 minutes.

It took a while to find all the chickens, and we had to pull some out from tight space after it got dark. They seem okay other than a lot of missing feathers. One is still missing. I’m not sure if she’s dead or hiding. She seemed okay last I saw her so I’m hoping she’ll show up in the morning. But I feel so bad for that Cochin.

The neighbor was very apologetic and felt awful, but he said he’s not sure how to keep the dog from getting out. I’m honestly scared to let any of my animals out anymore. I have some feral barn kittens and ducks too. The ducks get free time in the mornings. The cats are going to get rabies shots tomorrow and sleep in the barn at night. When a natural predator gets a chicken, I feel like it’s my fault and kind of the circle of life and I know it’s a risk I take letting them have free time, but this just feels so different. It’s almost like we were violated.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. 😔

How traumatising! A "sorry ..but..." doesn't cut it. Make a dangerous dog report for your birds ...yourself and everyone in the area that has a pet or small child. If someone can't contain their pet,they can't maintain the pet. End of story.

Make that call and let us know how you go. If you tell me where you are, I would be happy to research the number to call if you have any trouble. Empathy!
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I went through something like this before the first bitter cold snap this year. A neighbor of mine had chickens., but he was irresponsible, and didn't take care of them.

They were slowly killed off by the local wildlife. 10 chickens in totaI. I talked him out of everything he had left. (small coop and food, the whole lot).Thing is..he had 2 rat dogs. One was a demon Chihuahua that took a chunk out of the Black Maran's neck. I bit my tongue, and nursed that Maran back to health. Thankfully it survived.
Behind every badly behaving dog ....
If it happened to me I would have killed the dog. I would either shoot it or impale it with my sharpened pitchfork.
I'm ready for it, there is already many idiots with their dogs, who come around my property, even in the mud, just to show my chickens to their dogs and get them excited. My property is fenced, but if any dog ever get through, it's a dead dog. Their owners can cry me a river.
I understand completely but I would also be traumatised having to kill a dog to protect my animals. Its so unfair to be put in that position. If owners would just take responsibility and care.
I don’t really have a question or anything - I’ve just need to vent to someone who may understand. I’ve had chickens for nine years, and I’ve lost many to predators but I’ve never had anything like this happen.

My flock of 11 hens get free time every evening with supervision. Sometimes my dad and me, and sometimes just one of us. This evening, we were all out, but my dad had to go inside, and I had my 15-year-old hospice dog with me. All the sudden, the chickens were screaming and flying everywhere. My new-ish neighbor’s very large, mean dog had gotten out and was chasing them.

I ran around chasing him and keeping him from killing the chickens for a good 20 mins while screaming HELP!!! Of course, no one came. He finally started to go for my dog, and I couldn’t let that happen, so I dove on top of her and he got one of my beloved Cochins. I watched him eat her alive. The look on her face was unbearable. Thankfully, she died fairly quickly after he came and take a second bite out of her. I was finally able to call my dad, and the owner came over shortly after, and the three of us chased that dog for another 20 minutes.

It took a while to find all the chickens, and we had to pull some out from tight space after it got dark. They seem okay other than a lot of missing feathers. One is still missing. I’m not sure if she’s dead or hiding. She seemed okay last I saw her so I’m hoping she’ll show up in the morning. But I feel so bad for that Cochin.

The neighbor was very apologetic and felt awful, but he said he’s not sure how to keep the dog from getting out. I’m honestly scared to let any of my animals out anymore. I have some feral barn kittens and ducks too. The ducks get free time in the mornings. The cats are going to get rabies shots tomorrow and sleep in the barn at night. When a natural predator gets a chicken, I feel like it’s my fault and kind of the circle of life and I know it’s a risk I take letting them have free time, but this just feels so different. It’s almost like we were violated.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. 😔
Your neighbors failure to pay for your dead hen is a good predictor of what he will do in the future. He'll do whatever he can get by with...

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