Devastated after dog attack

If it happened to me I would have killed the dog. I would either shoot it or impale it with my sharpened pitchfork.
I'm ready for it, there is already many idiots with their dogs, who come around my property, even in the mud, just to show my chickens to their dogs and get them excited. My property is fenced, but if any dog ever get through, it's a dead dog. Their owners can cry me a river.
20 minutes chasing and yelling for help? That dog wouldn't have lasted 2 minutes. Thats about how long it would have taken me to get to a rifle. New neighbor would have gotten his dog back feet first.
I'm so sorry for your cochin, and the mess you had to deal with. I'd be on the phone with Animal Control immediately, and/ or the local law, and have this idiot dog owner understand that this is not going to ever happen again!
Nice to get an apology, but where's the money for your valuable and loved hen? And especially what about 'don't know how to contain my dog?" Really? Wrong answer! that's why you need Animal Control and the police, and freshen up your skills with your gun!
Anyone's animal can escape, as a rare event, and sometimes cause harm. BUT the owner should be right there, cash in hand, and redo their animal containment situation immediately. Nothing about 'don't know how to manage"!!!

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