Chain link kennel run ???

I've used a chain link kennel run for years. I'm doing a remodel putting on a corregated roof all the way across using up some extra scrap material on hand but with new roof panels, 2x2's and 1x2's. I'm getting alot of use out of pipe and fence brackets plus the little 2x2 brackets. I'll have to post pictures sometime so you'll know what I'm talking about. The pipe brackets are handy for securing say 2x4's across the top of the chain link to add solid roofing. The whole thing is amazingly sturdy.
Thanks. I have had this setup for almost a year and nothing has gotten in the run except when we left one of the gates open and a possum got in one night. The coop and run are about 15-20 ft off the back of the house and their are dogs in kennels about ten feet to the right of the run. We also have six cats that run around so their are no rodents around and I have not seen any snakes back there at all. I plan on putting the coop on some type of trailer in the future so its mobile and off of the ground.

mine has a concrete bottom so nothing can dig underneat (then kind of a deep litter/dirt on top of that consisting of some hay that I no longer put in there, poo and sand to keep it from getting muddy.) I also ran hardware wire around the bottom 2 feet or so to keep critters from being able to pull them thru. At first I had a seperate hutch inside the run then hubby built a nicer coop to attach to the outside of it so I can get eggs without going inside. Works GREAT.


Thanks. I have had this setup for almost a year and nothing has gotten in the run except when we left one of the gates open and a possum got in one night. The coop and run are about 15-20 ft off the back of the house and their are dogs in kennels about ten feet to the right of the run. We also have six cats that run around so their are no rodents around and I have not seen any snakes back there at all. I plan on putting the coop on some type of trailer in the future so its mobile and off of the ground.



The run is wide open for weasels to invade. They are prolific chicken-killers, really chicken-vampires and will kill many in bloodlust. If coop is locked down at dusk and is weasel proof, then you are ok, as long as the weasel cannot hide under the coop. Just my 2 cents. Some on this forum say that weasels can even get thru chicken wire, whether they chew thru it or wriggle thru if they are small enough. Snakes are likely to be only a problem for chicks unless one is living in florida where there are some really big tropical snakes commonly seen.

We run a kennel fence with chickenwire around and bent down, with deer netting over the top. Thus far it seems my main issue here would be dogs, cats and hawks, all of which are thwarted. I did have to go in and knock the snow/ice/slush off the deer netting during a nasty wet snow we had, but most of the time it goes through the netting. In the summer, they get a tarp over it. I have more of a problem with the chickens digging inside the fencing than I do things trying to get in
. I'll probably apron the inside (outside is done) this spring to thwart my own little beasties.
Thanks. I have had this setup for almost a year and nothing has gotten in the run except when we left one of the gates open and a possum got in one night. The coop and run are about 15-20 ft off the back of the house and their are dogs in kennels about ten feet to the right of the run. We also have six cats that run around so their are no rodents around and I have not seen any snakes back there at all. I plan on putting the coop on some type of trailer in the future so its mobile and off of the ground.



The run is wide open for weasels to invade. They are prolific chicken-killers, really chicken-vampires and will kill many in bloodlust. If coop is locked down at dusk and is weasel proof, then you are ok, as long as the weasel cannot hide under the coop. Just my 2 cents. Some on this forum say that weasels can even get thru chicken wire, whether they chew thru it or wriggle thru if they are small enough. Snakes are likely to be only a problem for chicks unless one is living in florida where there are some really big tropical snakes commonly seen.


Thanks for the input. I have never seen weasels around here, not saying there isn't, but I'm not too worried about it. I do lock up the coop at night so nothing can get in. We don't raise chicks and we have RIR's which are not broody so I don't expect to have any chicks. As a kid, we had chickens for about six years that free ranged and we only lost probably two or three to wild animals in all of that time. We did lock the coop up at night. I never leave the coop open at night and that is when most of your predators will come out. I have had these chickens for 1 1/2 years and before I put up the kennel run, the chickens free ranged and nothing got them then. I just don't feel like its a problem where we are located. No woods or cover close by. I guess if it happens, it will be a lesson learned. Thanks.


The run is wide open for weasels to invade. They are prolific chicken-killers, really chicken-vampires and will kill many in bloodlust. If coop is locked down at dusk and is weasel proof, then you are ok, as long as the weasel cannot hide under the coop. Just my 2 cents. Some on this forum say that weasels can even get thru chicken wire, whether they chew thru it or wriggle thru if they are small enough. Snakes are likely to be only a problem for chicks unless one is living in florida where there are some really big tropical snakes commonly seen.


Thanks for the input. I have never seen weasels around here, not saying there isn't, but I'm not too worried about it. I do lock up the coop at night so nothing can get in. We don't raise chicks and we have RIR's which are not broody so I don't expect to have any chicks. As a kid, we had chickens for about six years that free ranged and we only lost probably two or three to wild animals in all of that time. We did lock the coop up at night. I never leave the coop open at night and that is when most of your predators will come out. I have had these chickens for 1 1/2 years and before I put up the kennel run, the chickens free ranged and nothing got them then. I just don't feel like its a problem where we are located. No woods or cover close by. I guess if it happens, it will be a lesson learned. Thanks.


It does help not having woods nearby for land predators. You have been quite fortunate so far in the lack of losses to preds.

I have a 12x 20 (roughly) kennel attached to the back of my coop with kennel panels for the roof as well. I can cover it for winter and take off the plastic on the sides for the summer. It doesn't look so great right now, but the birds love it!



We use a chainlink dog kennel for a run when our chickens are not free ranging. I'm not worried about critters since the chickens are locked in the coop at night. I did notice that one of our roos got his head/comb caught in the fence enough to cut his comb and draw blood. I would recommend hardware cloth even for this reason.

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