Chick buried alive, has many injuries but is acting like nothing happened (pt. 2)

Mar 8, 2024
This is the sequel to chick buried alive by aggressive hen, not opening one eye.
This chick's name is Frankie (I will call Frankie "he" throughout this thread but it's just easier than saying she/he every single time I mention him. I don't actually know his gender.) Frankie was hatched out by broody mom, Rose. Meanwhile there were 2 other broody moms, Phyllis and Dottie who were in the same coop. I didn't think anything bad was going to happen because Phyllis co-brooded with Rose last year. One day after lots of searching I found Frankie buried alive in the dirt (and I think Phyllis did it because she was going after Rose's chicks earlier that day.) It's head/neck were under the dirt which caused it to have lots of dirt in it's eyes.
One of Frankie's eyes were not opening. I thought it got a cut or something on it. But the next day it opened up perfectly fine on it's own.
Yesterday, more problems arose. One of Frankie's wings are drooping all the way to the ground, not like he is hot but like he is injured. Second of all, one of Frankie's hips is giant and he hobbles around everywhere (is it dislocated or inflamed or something else????)
The super weird thing is that Frankie is acting like absolutely nothing has happened. He is still acting like a baby chick full of energy. Frankie digs, eats, and drinks. Nothing is stopping him. I don't get how his injuries aren't effecting him in any way. How could his injuries not hurt???
My original plan was to auction him off along with his siblings but in my eyes that would be cruel because whoever would receive him would probably cull him, so I'm thinking I'm going to keep him since Frankie is disabled.
Is there anything I could do to help him have a better quality of life? Can I fix his wing and hip?

@Eggcessive can you help??

Thanks so much.
It sounds like his hip and wing were injured, and it may take some time for those to heal. Can you post any pictures? Does he have any green bruising on the hip or wing? He may do okay with no treatment as long as he is able to get around with plenty of food and water. He sounds pretty feisty, so that is good. Do you normally sell your chicks?
Can you feel any kind of break in the wing? If so it might be possible to secure it to his body gently with some vet wrap while it heals.

I think as far as injuries, baby chicks can be more resilient than older birds. Just like children.

I hope Frankie makes a full recovery!
It sounds like his hip and wing were injured, and it may take some time for those to heal. Can you post any pictures? Does he have any green bruising on the hip or wing? He may do okay with no treatment as long as he is able to get around with plenty of food and water. He sounds pretty feisty, so that is good. Do you normally sell your chicks?
Here's a pic
This is the sequel to chick buried alive by aggressive hen, not opening one eye.
This chick's name is Frankie (I will call Frankie "he" throughout this thread but it's just easier than saying she/he every single time I mention him. I don't actually know his gender.) Frankie was hatched out by broody mom, Rose. Meanwhile there were 2 other broody moms, Phyllis and Dottie who were in the same coop. I didn't think anything bad was going to happen because Phyllis co-brooded with Rose last year. One day after lots of searching I found Frankie buried alive in the dirt (and I think Phyllis did it because she was going after Rose's chicks earlier that day.) It's head/neck were under the dirt which caused it to have lots of dirt in it's eyes.
One of Frankie's eyes were not opening. I thought it got a cut or something on it. But the next day it opened up perfectly fine on it's own.
Yesterday, more problems arose. One of Frankie's wings are drooping all the way to the ground, not like he is hot but like he is injured. Second of all, one of Frankie's hips is giant and he hobbles around everywhere (is it dislocated or inflamed or something else????)
The super weird thing is that Frankie is acting like absolutely nothing has happened. He is still acting like a baby chick full of energy. Frankie digs, eats, and drinks. Nothing is stopping him. I don't get how his injuries aren't effecting him in any way. How could his injuries not hurt???
My original plan was to auction him off along with his siblings but in my eyes that would be cruel because whoever would receive him would probably cull him, so I'm thinking I'm going to keep him since Frankie is disabled.
Is there anything I could do to help him have a better quality of life? Can I fix his wing and hip?

@Eggcessive can you help??

Thanks so much.
Awe sweet baby!!! I’m glad he survived! ❤️

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