Chick(en) breed confusion


Jan 10, 2025
Slidell, La
I recently got a list of breeds from the hatchery where I bought my hatching eggs. I'm a little confused with some of the breed names they listed. The two (or 3) I'm having trouble finding pics for are Plymouth Rock, Barred Rock, and Americanas.

I did a bit of searching and it seems like the Plymouth Rock is a breed, and a Barred Rock is a coloring or pattern subset of the breed, am I correct on this? I'm just confused because whichever one I look up on Google I get information on the Plymouth Rock, but not a Barred Rock.

As for the Americanas I read they tend to be confused with Amerucanas. If I understand it correctly Amerucanas are a true breed, which is popular due to laying blue colored eggs; and Easter Eggers (mixed breed chickens that lay colored eggs) are sometimes called Americanas to capitalize on the popularity of the Amerucanas.

If any of this is incorrect please let me know. I'm trying to whittle down the list of nearly 30 breeds the hatchery carries to dial in on which ones I may have.
Yup. Plymouth Rock is a breed, and encompasses all the colours. Barred rock is the barred variety of the Plymouth Rock. Barred by itself is a colour, and can be found in many different breeds.

Indeed, Americanas are Easter Eggers, and not pure Ameraucanas.

If you’re not sure what breed your chicks are, you could post pics so we can help narrowing it down. Trying to guess breed becomes easier as the chick grows, but narrowing it down a bit should be possible
Yup. Plymouth Rock is a breed, and encompasses all the colours. Barred rock is the barred variety of the Plymouth Rock. Barred by itself is a colour, and can be found in many different breeds.

Indeed, Americanas are Easter Eggers, and not pure Ameraucanas.

If you’re not sure what breed your chicks are, you could post pics so we can help narrowing it down. Trying to guess breed becomes easier as the chick grows, but narrowing it down a bit should be possible
I'll get updated pics in the morning they just turned two weeks on Monday so it's a bit harder to get them to cooperate than it was a week ago, lol.
I decided to do a video because it was easier than trying to get them to hold still for pictures, lol.
This is the list of possible breeds from the hatchery:

Hello customer, here’s a list of most of them

Plymouth rock
Barred rock
Ayam Cemani
Americana (America’s)
Whiting true blue
Whiting true green
Rhode Island Red
Isa Brown
Naked neck
Easter Eggers
and a couple others. And about 10 to 12 different types of bantams and most of them are old English type.

I'm aware there are several that look similar, but if there are any that can be knocked off the list that would help.
Gosh they are cute. I'm not great with breeds but I can help with some rule outs anyway. Silkies, brahmas Marans and cochins should have feathered legs, I didn't see any of those. No naked neck, no Rhode Island red. Size is not an indication of sex. You may just have some bamtams in the mix.
Gosh they are cute. I'm not great with breeds but I can help with some rule outs anyway. Silkies, brahmas Marans and cochins should have feathered legs, I didn't see any of those. No naked neck, no Rhode Island red. Size is not an indication of sex. You may just have some bamtams in the mix.
The two brown ones have feathered legs, the rest don't. I thought bantams and standards would be easier to tell apart at two weeks . . when does the size difference become more obvious? I tried weighing them but that didn't go over so well, lol.
The two brown ones have feathered legs, the rest don't. I thought bantams and standards would be easier to tell apart at two weeks . . when does the size difference become more obvious? I tried weighing them but that didn't go over so well, lol.
I haven't had bantams so I can't help there. I didn't see the feathered legs but that does narrow it down for the brown ones at least.
Given what I can see from the video, I’d remove the following breeds from the list: Silkie, Polish, Brahma, Barred rock, Welsummer, Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Cochin, Naked Neck, and possibly ISA brown and Wyandotte. I couldn’t get a great look at the combs of the two black ones. Doesn’t look like you have any bantams in the mix.

They are definitely a fun bunch!

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