Chick swinging head low


May 2, 2022
Hello guys, this is a couple week old chick (can't remember the exact age) that is just recently exhibiting these behaviors of head swinging and tucking. I wasn't home when this happened so I'm not sure when it started. The chick is pooping fine, showing interest in food and water and walking. It sometimes gets up and acts normal but never really straightens it's head to the full extent. After a bit of being normal it lays down and flails it's head. Anyone know what this is?? I checked for ear and vent mites and saw none. Cleaned the coop and sprayed earth just incase and fed the chick some vitamins. So confused!
Hello guys, this is a couple week old chick (can't remember the exact age) that is just recently exhibiting these behaviors of head swinging and tucking. I wasn't home when this happened so I'm not sure when it started. The chick is pooping fine, showing interest in food and water and walking. It sometimes gets up and acts normal but never really straightens it's head to the full extent. After a bit of being normal it lays down and flails it's head. Anyone know what this is?? I checked for ear and vent mites and saw none. Cleaned the coop and sprayed earth just incase and fed the chick some vitamins. So confused!
The behavior looks somewhat like the beginning stages of a neurological symptom called Wry Neck.
I'd start giving her vitamin therapy. Give 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily along with a little egg to help with the uptake of E.

See that she's eating her chick starter and staying hydrated.
The behavior looks somewhat like the beginning stages of a neurological symptom called Wry Neck.
I'd start giving her vitamin therapy. Give 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily along with a little egg to help with the uptake of E.

See that she's eating her chick starter and staying hydrated.
I'll do this thanks! I also noticed thay the bird had an impacted crop thay I've since treated and has cleared a little. Could that have had any play in this behavior?

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