chick with droopy wings, no other symptoms.


Mar 25, 2024
Veneto, Italy
I have one 3 weeks old chick that often has droopy wings compared to all the others. There is no other symptoms.
She was born from an araucana egg but it's growing a tail so it's something else.
Father and mother are both araucana. Could be that the tail has some sort of deformity so it's higher than the other chicks and the wings look more droopy than they actually are?
She had droopy wings since the day she grew wing feathers.
The chick is the darker one in the pictures.


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I would try Poultry Nutri-drench for her for a week and see if that improves her condition. You might also try a week of extra protein in the form of hard boiled egg. Let all the chicks have it as that stimulates a weak chick to eat.
They are getting hard boiled egg every other day since they were 1 week old.
Nutri drench is not available in my country, I'll check the ingredients and see if there is anything similar available.
Maybe I'll also check parrot/canary vitamins (poultry vitamins here are mostly for layer hens so they have a lot of calcium in it and other stuff that stimulates egg laying).
Here is a video, she is the second to fly up my arm. I wasn't focusing on her, I'll do a better video tomorrow. I will also weight all the chicks so I can better monitor her.
She still has no more symptoms.
I weighted her and she is lighter than the other chicks of the same breed that were born the same day, though she's gaining weight steadily so she might be just slightly a runt.
Couldn't find bird vitamins so she's getting boiled egg once a day and cow colostrum yoghurt when available.
You could use liquid baby vitamins if you can find those.

I think you have a chick with a very light case of failure-to-thrive. The little girl is playing catch up like a premature human infant needs to do. Vitamins and the extra protein help.

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