Chick with twisted hip/leg

I have a 2 month old silkie chick with the exact same issue!! She was splay legged and we hobbled her for weeks and it seemed to correct, but one day I checked on her and noticed the leg was off center and she was hobbling around. I thought nothing of it until it started to look like this and I noticed a change in her stance. I can move her leg around and I’ve tried feeling for a tendon to wrap it but I agree the twist seems to be happening higher up. We named her Banana so now it’s kind of fitting because her leg is kind of shaped like one. Poor thing! But we also are bleeding hearts so she’ll stay regardless.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that is a sucker for these poor things!

Banana is so cute! I love Silkies, they’re so bizarre and dumb. Or at least my Silkie is!

From what my vet said, they’re not in any pain, it’s just how they are. The joint up in the hip area is just turned.

My girl Faye eats and poops like normal. As long as she wants to live I’ll let her. I don’t think she’ll ever be an outside chicken though (or maybe just in a small coop with her buddy Bonnie).

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