Chicken Breed Focus - Brabanter

Thank you for using this sweet photo of Donnie I posted here she is growing up.

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I love this breed! They are not flighty, very inquisitive and smart. Total thinkers. They fly very well haha!

I own Dottie pictures above:

And a flock of chicks that are related to Dottie. Here's my favorite pullet:

My sweet Dottie, SO glad you are giving her a good home as well as all the chicks!
Brabanters are truly great birds, sweet disposition, easy to handle, crests, beards, and an interesting pattern. And icing on the cake - awesome layers of large white eggs. Thrifty eaters.
The bad - really difficult to try to obtain a good rooster.

This is our girl Lola earlier this year.

Our Valentines day card from this year! Brabanter chicks!

@Ariel188 @alisar LOVE the pics! Thank you for sharing!

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